Tuesday, October 11, 2022

What should I do when someone hurt me

 Anger is a natural emotional response to being hurt or wronged by someone else. But staying angry can be harmful to your mental health if not treated or worked through. That's why it's important for us to work through it when anger and suffering arise and we need easy ways to do that. It can even help us to better assess ourselves and the situation that prompted it. 

Gurudev SriSri says there are many WAYS TO LOOK AT HURT:

1. Someone who has hurt you is pained. They have scars and are unhappy. They can only share what they have. They are hurt and they are sharing the hurt with you. You think they are doing it purposely, but, in fact it is because they do not have happiness inside them. They are wounded. What is required for a wounded person? Compassion. You have to be compassionate to those who hurt you, because they are hurt and wounded themselves. 

2. Those who are causing hurt to you are ignorant. They don’t know that their actions are hurting others. They are ignorant and arrogant. You can only feel sorry for them and hope that someday they will become intelligent. Wish for them to be more sensitive.

3. It is just karma. You had to get this hurt and if not this person then someone else would have given it to you. We must have caused some hurt to someone in the past and Nature is bringing it back to us now. When you know that it's just karma being repaid, you feel settled. 

4. It is being done to make you strong. Nature is bringing this to you so that you become strong, so that you discover strength and power within you.

jai Gurudev 🙏🏻🪷

Also read how to overcome the feeling of hurt


#srisriravishankar #happylifewithartofliving. #srisri

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