Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 “A mistake is something that pinches you.It is the pinch that irks the consciousness and disallows the mistake to be repeated.Be with the pinch and not the guilt. “~SriSri

Feeling bad about oneself is a common response to realising that one has acted wrongly, or that one could have done something morally better.
Once a devotee  shared the same problem with Gurudev :
“ Gurudev, I have misbehaved with someone and now I feel very sad about it. My family is also suffering because of that. I keep thinking of the past and I can’t get rid of it. Please tell me what to do.”
Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar  Ji  answered “What is the surety that you will take my advice and do what I say? If you would have taken it, you would have done it already. You don’t take my advice, so what can I do? Come on drop it! Some karma, something made you misbehave, and it is finished. Why to sit and crib about something that has happened in the past.

Every action happens because of four things:

1. You had the intention to do the action

2. Someone else wanted you to do it and that made you do it

3. Neither you or the other person wanted it, but somehow it happened against both your will

4. Both wanted it so it happened
Are you getting what I am saying?

Two people are involved in a fight with each other. First possibility is, you were upset and it came out of you. You were upset and your own anger caused it. Second possibility is, one comes to you in an angry mood and you catch that angry vibration and you also shout. You were very happy but someone’s vibration took over and you reacted. Third, neither you nor the other person expected but something happened, like an accident. This is because of time and some karma. Fourth is, both you and the other person wanted to go on a ride, so you went together.

So actions or mistakes have these four types of possibilities. It is useless to sit and worry about the past. Just move on! Every moment there is sparkling, scintillating energy within you, so move with that.

Mistakes have caused pain and that is good. Pain has given you depth and that is good. You have learnt from the mistakes and now you don’t want to commit the same mistakes again. That is good also.”
Forgiving ourselves can become the hardest thing we can imagine. However, as Gurudev often says, forgiveness is not only for the other person’s benefit, but our own, as forgiveness allows us to move on from the incident and get on with our lives..

#srisriravishankar #happylifechallenge #happylifewithartofliving
#GurudevSriSriRaviShankar #ArtofLiving #GurudevSriSri #Meditation #Knowledgeispower #yogicwisdom #gurudev #happiness #wisdom #aol #jaigurudev #SriSri #WisdomCookies #ConnectingHearts #positivevibes


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