Tuesday, October 11, 2022


On the seventh day of Navratri, Mother Divine takes the form of Kaalaratri. She is one of the most ferocious and destructive forms of Durga Devi.

Kaala means ‘time’ as well as ‘black’, and ratri means ‘night’. The Devi is worshipped as the destroyer of ignorance and remover of sorrow. 

Form of Kaalaratri Devi

Kaalaratri has a dark complexion akin to night. Her bountiful hair is untied. She has four hands – two of them wield weapons - a scimitar and a thunderbolt. The other two are in varada or blessing mudra and abhaya or protecting mudra. She wears a necklace that shines like the moon illuminating the night.

She has three eyes from which emanate rays like lightning, displaying her fury in full. She emits flames from her nostrils as she breathes. 

She rides a black donkey.

What the Devi represents

This form of the Devi depicts the dark and violent side of life. Appearing in one of her fiercest and most terrorizing forms, She evokes fear. She uses this form to destroy evil powers like negativity, cruelty and ignorance. 

Devotees pray to her to dispel darkness, ignorance, and sorrow from their lives. She is also known as Shubhankari, as she ensures that good deeds of her devotees bear fruit. She also protects them from harm and danger. 

Spiritual significance of Kaalaratri

Ratri or night is that time of day that comforts us, as the day’s work is behind us. As it is a time of repose and rest, it brings relief to every living being – humans and animals. 

Kaalaratri is the deep, dark energy that houses the infinite universe. It is that aspect of Mother Divine that is beyond the universe but brings solace to every heart and soul. So, when devotees pray to this Devi, they are blessed with peace, and a sense of reprieve from their troubles. 

Kaalaratri Devi also blesses her devotees with wisdom, as she takes them from darkness to light.


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