Tuesday, October 11, 2022

How to increase family value

 How do we increase family values?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji :

India has not yet lost family values, and it is our responsibility to maintain them. 

To increase family values at home, make it a rule to eat together regularly. If not daily, then at least once a week. Sit and have a meal together; if not dinner, then at least breakfast. At these times make it a rule: unless each and every member of the family is present, no one eats. You should all eat together. Then there will be a change in the atmosphere at home.

Even in villages, all friends should meet and eat together. 

When I was a child, Pitaji (Sri Sri’s father) would invite everyone to eat together once a month. Everyone would get some dish from home and there would be so much food! The atmosphere would be great.

Similarly, at least once in two-three months, have a preeti bhog (family feast). Don’t make it a party: make it a pot luck. Someone should plan – decide the dishes between yourselves. Then there will be a good atmosphere in the family and the society.

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