Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 Now days #plagiarizing  is very common. Can it be justified?

Stealing, of course, is a crime, and a very impolite thing to do. But like most impolite things,  is it excusable under certain circumstances ,as American film director Jim Jarmusch says..?

“Nothing is original. #Steal from anywhere that resonates with inspiration or fuels your imagination. Devour old films, new films, music, books, paintings, photographs, poems, dreams, random conversations, architecture, bridges, street signs, trees, clouds, bodies of water, light and shadows. Select only things to steal from that speak directly to your soul. If you do this, your work (and theft) will be authentic. Authenticity is invaluable; originality is nonexistent.”

How to get rid of the habit of stealing , when this question is asked to  Gurudev sri sri,   he  says  “I f you want to steal , steal someone’s  heart ❤️ .. steal knowledge, .. steal Ram Ratan .. loot sake to loot  ðŸ˜Š..kya choti moti cheejo ki chori karna ”

In words of GuruDev Sri Sri( from various articles of guru dev)

“Man has three powers with him: Iccha-shakti (the power of desire), Kriya-shakti (the power of action), and Jnana-shakti (the power of knowledge). When all these three powers are influenced or dominated by Moha (attachment), it leads a person to become Tamoguni in nature (a quality or state of existence characterized by inertia, ignorance and negativity). People with demonic tendencies, negative and evil tendencies are completely sunk into Tamoguna.

Now, such people do have desires, they perform action as well and they also have some knowledge about the action they are doing, but there is no life in them (here meaning, to become devoid of positivity, enthusiasm and spirit). There is no awareness in them (meaning, to become deluded and lose sight of the Self).

A thief came to a saint wanting to surrender to him, but he didn’t want to give up stealing. The saint allowed him to have his way under the condition that he can steal provided he does it with full awareness. The thief thought it would be very easy as stealing was his second nature. But as and when he got ready to steal, he remembered the saint’s condition and became aware of his action. And he couldn’t steal thereafter!

Such is the power of awareness. It can bring about the highest transformation. Mistakes happen in unawareness. In awareness, one cannot get angry or commit a mistake. Such awareness comes when one establishes a connection with the Self. When a guru enters the life of a seeker, the awareness of higher Self dawns. The guru is a doorway one sees when groping for shelter from rain or the hot sun. The same rain and thunder, which appeared frightening, become beautiful when one is inside the shelter.

Once his master gave Kanakadas and other devotees a banana each to break the fast of Ekadashi with the condition it could be eaten only when no one was watching. The next day the disciples narrated their ingenious ways of eating it without being observed. But Kanakadas came back holding the banana. Kanakadas said he felt the presence of the Master wherever he tried to eat it. This is what we call sanidhya. In this state of awareness all complaints vanish and one operates with a deep sense of being taken care of.


This definite knowledge: “I am not the body. I am the Self. I am the space. I am the imperishable, untouched, untainted by the prakriti(nature), by this world around me. This body is all hollow and empty. And every particle in this body is changing and changing. The mind is changing and changing.” This definite knowledge is the way out of the cycle.

Jai gurudev


#srisri #artofliving #happylifewithartofliving


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