Tuesday, October 11, 2022

How to deal with difficult family member

Part 2
How to deal with difficult family member?
(Excerpts from a Gurudev ‘s talk)
“❓Do you know why people create chaos? 
It is because they feel insecure. They do not feel loved. They often think, ‘I do so much for my wife and children by sacrificing my whole life for them from morning till evening, yet they do not care for me.' 
This feeling takes a deep hold in their heart. 
…when they do not get any love and respect in return, they become angry. 
👉…Win him over with love.
👉You know sometime you should walk the same path as the ones who create chaos and then slowly make them understand and change. 
👉Do not oppose him for two days and do whatever he says. Give him so much love that he will melt.

👉See, no one is in an angry mood all the time! People do have good moods. When they are in a good mood then you can communicate. When they are not in a good mood, you can ask them, what is it that you can do for them.
👉If they are in the worst mood, just move away from the scene. 
👉So you have three options to win over people with love and #skilful communication; Yes!

❓What can one do if one encounters foolish people? 
👉In such cases, we have little choice but to just play along and walk their path…
They find pleasure in fights and have no interest in anything else, and so they just create fights. That is why .. , whatever such people say to you, just agree with them. Win them over with #love.”



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