Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 We fast not to please the Divine, but to cleanse our body.” - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

According to Ayurveda, fasting rekindles the digestive fire. An increase in the digestive fire burns the toxins in the body. When the toxins are flushed out of the body, it loses dullness and lethargy. All the cells of the body are rejuvenated. Fasting, therefore, is an effective therapy to cleanse our body. When the body is cleansed, the mind becomes calmer and more peaceful because of the deep connection between the body and mind.

Your meditation happens best when your stomach is empty. Fasting decreases the restlessness of the mind, it becomes easier for it to turn inwards and meditate. Fasting coupled with meditation increases sattva -  the quality of tranquility and positivity within us. An increase in sattva makes our mind more peaceful and alert. As a result, our intentions and prayers become more powerful. A sattva bloom also makes the body lighter and energetic. We become more efficient. As a result, our desires manifest and our tasks get accomplished easily.

 That’s why Gurudev says “Why fasting is combined with prayer all over the world and in all religions, is because when you are fasting, you are detoxified, and your prayer becomes authentic and deep.”

 Items to avoid during fast

❌fried food and foods high in calories such as potatoes.


How to fast 

✅Have fluids such as water, fruit juices.

✅Have fruits, salads etc.

✅Keep the stomach light, preferably empty.

This change in food intake during a fast eliminates the toxins in the body, which could otherwise cause diseases. One should understand their ‘dosha’ type or the regulating forces of nature for them to observe a fast.


If you have a predominance of vata dosha in the body or have a vata imbalance, complete fasting is not for you.  Zero fasting, water fasting and prolonged fasting is not recommended for you. Because fasting will increase dryness, lightness in the body which aggravates vata in the system.

Following a khichdi diet with vata pacifying herbs and ghee for 3-5 days is a good option to detox the system for vata peop


Pitta prakritis have a strong digestive fire, hence zero fasting, water fasting and prolonged fasting is not applicable for pitta prakrti and in an increased pitta state.

Sweet, bitter and astringent tasting fruit juice, vegetable juice, soups and a khichdi diet with pitta pacifying herbs are a good choice. One can choose either one day in a week or continuous 3 days in a month based on the imbalance.


If you are healthy with a dominant kapha prakriti, regular fasting is good for you. Following intermittent fasting is highly beneficial for you.  One can go for complete fasting or water fasting once a week.


Fasting is not recommended for pregnant ladies, children, elderly people, during breastfeeding, menstruation period. 

Jai gurudev 🙏🏻

( This article is based on discourse and articles of Gurudev and art of living)


#happylifewithartofliving #srisri #body #fasting #artofliving

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