Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 This is the time for #Pitru PakshaShradh , preceding the autumnal Navratras, when #ancestors are worshipped, and prayers offered for the repose of their souls. #Prayers and offerings are made because it’s believed the spirits of ancestors live on in the natural world and are thus able to influence the futures and #fortunes of the living relatives.

Why do we worship our ancestors?

Profound and beautiful explanation from Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar ji :

Water has two units of life, Fire has three units of life, Air has four units of life, Space has five units of life, Trees have six units of life, Animals have seven units of life, Human beings have eight units of life, and are known as Ashtavasu. Superhuman blossomed beings, who do extraordinary work, whether it be very good or very bad, have nine units of life.

Furthermore, humans can develop up to sixteen units of life. When we die we become more powerful in some way. We go between nine and ten units of life. This is strange but true. That is why ancestors are worshiped. The moment this body drops, the spirit has become free, without boundaries, and nothing can stop it. The spirit moves around freely. If it is bound in the body, you have only eight units of life but when you die, then you have access to the ninth and tenth units, so you gain much more access to the planet. That is why ancestors have the capacity to #bless you. They have more ‘life’ than you because their spirit is freed from the limited body. They have the power to know, cognize and bless you. You can feel their presence. So when you pray to them, they can grant you certain boons. They are able to bestow unto you to whatever extent they are powerful. #Ancestral worship can be found in China, Latin American and many other countries.


Q Gurudev, we do certain rituals for the departed. Is there any basis for these rituals?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  These #rituals are there only to show your #gratitude to the departed #souls. But what has happened is that the Pundits and the Purohits have made it so complicated that sometimes you don't understand what they are saying. If they translate what they are saying in Sanskrit it gives you an idea. 

Do you know why you take sesame seeds and say, ‘Tarpayami, Tarpayami, Taraiyami?’ It is called #Tarpanam. 

You take the name of the departed one and you take some sesame seeds and water and pour it onto a plate. Why do you do this? You do this to tell the departed souls, ‘Whatever desires you might be harboring in your mind, they are like sesame seeds, insignificant. They are for small things, so you just drop them. There is #infinite #joy and bliss in the abode of the #Divine, just enjoy that. We will take care of your unfulfilled desires. You be contented, be happy.’ 

This is what we tell the departed souls in Tarpanam. 

They do have #desires; they want to see the wedding of their grandchildren, their great grandchildren, or see the great grand children getting one more daughter. These sorts of desires remain in their mind before they die so we tell them, ‘Look these desires are small, drop them. Love is the essence of life and the Divine is all love. You move on to the light which is all love.’ So, giving instruction to the departed soul is what #Shraddham is. 

Then you ask them for #blessings, ‘I will do my part, what you can do from there is give me blessings so that my mind is on the right track and so that I do the right things in the right time. Bless me with good luck, #prosperity.’


In the Indian tradition, there are three debts we need to clear:

Deva Rina – Debt to the gods for gracing us with wealth and prosperity

Rishi Rina – Debt to the sages for providing us with knowledge

Pitru Rina – Debt to our ancestors, for providing us with the human frame, knowledge, skills, and other privileges. It is with our human body that we lead our material life and also undertakes our spiritual journey.

Pitru Paksha is the period when our ancestors are pleased and pacified through various rituals like shraddha and tarpan to be free from the debt we owe them.

#happylifewithartofliving #PitruPaksha2022 #gurudevsrisriravishankar #srisri

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