Tuesday, October 11, 2022

 ๐ŸชทGanesha symbolises the consciousness which is omnipresent. Ganesha is the same energy which is the reason for this universe, from which everything is manifested and it’s the same energy in which the whole world will dissolve. Ganesha is not somewhere outside of us, but the very centre of our life. …Ganesha is formless;.. the form serves as the starting point and gradually the formless consciousness begins to manifest. 

๐ŸชทGanesh Chaturthi marks a unique art of reaching the formless #Paramatma called Lord Ganesh by the repeated worship of his manifest form.

๐Ÿ™๐ŸปWe pray to #Ganesha in our #consciousness to come out and sit in the idol for us for a while so that we can play with Him. After the #puja, we again pray asking Him to go back to where He came from – our consciousness. While He is in the idol, we offer back whatever God has given us through the puja of the idol.

๐ŸชทThe ritual of #immersing (visarjan) the idols after few days of worship reinforces the understanding that God is not in the idol, He is inside us. 

So experiencing the Omnipresent in the form and deriving joy out of the form is the essence of the Ganesh Chaturthi festival. 

๐ŸชทIn a way, such organised #festivity and worships lead to an upsurge in enthusiasm and devotion.

๐ŸชทGanesha is the lord of all the good qualities in us. So when we worship Him, all the good qualities blossom in us. He is also the Lord of knowledge and wisdom. Knowledge dawns only when we become aware of the Self. When there is inertia, there is no knowledge, no wisdom, nor is there any liveliness (Chaitanya) or progress in life. So the consciousness has to be awakened and the presiding deity of consciousness is Ganesha. 

๐Ÿ‘‰That’s why before every puja, the Lord Ganesha is worshipped to awaken the consciousness. 

๐Ÿ‘‰This is the symbolic #essence of Ganesh Chaturthi festival, ๐Ÿง˜‍♂️to awaken the Ganesh tattva which is masked inside us.

( based on discourse of Gurudev SriSri)

#Srisri #happylifewithartofliving

#GurudevSriSriRaviShankar #ArtofLiving #GurudevSriSri #Meditation #Knowledgeispower #yogicwisdom #gurudev #happiness #wisdom #ganesha #chaturthi #consciousness #manifest #universe #parmatma

Must read significance of 32 forms of Ganesh:


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