Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Why mantra should be chanted 108 times

 We keep hearing that mantras should be chanted 108 times. Why 108? 

The number 108 is considered a sacred number in Hinduism, Buddhism and yogic tradition.  Generally Malas or Japa beads come in a string of 108 and are used for devotional meditation, mantra and prayer. With each bead a mantra or prayer is repeated to meet a total of 108. 

Gurudev says “There are nine planets and twelve zodiac constellations. When these nine planets move through the twelve zodiac signs, they can create 108 different kinds of effects in our lives. In order to save ourselves from any ill effects of those vibrations, we chant Om Namaha Shivaya…”


🪷Sanskrit alphabet has 54 letters. Each letter has a masculine (Shiva) and feminine (Shakti) energy so  (54 X 2 = 108)

🪷Desires. There are said to be 108 earthly desires in mortals.

Time. It is said we have 108 feelings. 36 related to the past, 36 related to the present, and 36 related to the future.

🪷The diameter of the sun is 108 times the earth.

🪷 The distance of Earth from the Sun is about 108 times the diameter of the Sun (approx) and 

The distance between the Earth and the Moon is also about 108 times the diameter of the Moon. The coincidence that the Sun and Moon both have approximately the same ratio between their diameters and their distances to Earth means their apparent sizes in Earth's sky are about the same, which is what makes total solar eclipses possible.

🪷According to Ayurveda, there are 108 ‘marma’ points in our body. The life force energy flows through these points. When we chant a mantra 108 times, it stirs up our energy level. There are certain prerequisites to attain spiritual awareness, the most important being to boost the energy level

🪷We have 7 ‘chakras’ or energy centers in our body. The chakra at the lowest level is located at the base of the spine and that at the highest level is located on the top of the head. The chakra that leads to joy, love and compassion is the heart chakra or the ‘Anahata Chakra’. It is located in the middle of the chest. Anahata Chakra comprises 108 ‘Nadi’ or energy passages. During meditation, if we chant a mantra 108 times and focus on Anahata Chakra, it brings joy, love and compassion.

108 is a ‘Harshad’ number, meaning, it’s a number divisible by the sum of its digits. ‘Harshad’ in Sanskrit means the giver of joy or ‘harsha’.

Jai Gurudev 🙏🏻🪷🪷

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