Sunday, August 28, 2022

Balance your life by balancing chakras

 Balance your life by Balancing Chakras

Chakras means wheel, arenergy centers in our bodythrough which our vital energy, or “Prana shakti” flows. There are seven main chakras located along our spine. Each chakra is a switch which turns on or opens up patterns of behavior, thought or emotional reactions which may have been unconscious in everyday life. They relate to specific area of the brain and in most people these psychic centers lie dormant and inactive.Chakras correspond to specific nerve bundles and internal organs also. Blocked energy in these chakras can often lead to illness. Beside functioning as control centers the chakras work as interchange between the physicalastral and casual dimensions. Yoga postures along with concentration on chakras are a great way to release stale or stuck energy from the body because they invite fresh, vital energy back in through poses and the breath. Since yoga is both a physical and spiritual practice, yoga poses are not only exercising for our body, but also for our mind, emotions and spirit, making it the perfect practice for balancing our chakras.

According to The Art of Living founder, yoga master Sri SriRavishankar ji, though the name chakra, in literary sense, there is no wheel or flower in our body. In ancient days sages indicated the delicate nature of energy as flower. When mind become very subtle, we are able to feel some sensation in this area. While focusing on chakra, initially we experience nothing, then some vibration and finally vibration turns into light. It is then when wget connected to another dimension of existence. The dimension from which intuitively we can know many things, which with normal intellect can’t be perusedSo, the meditation on chakras is very mystical and practical.

Relationship among Nadis, Chakras and Kundalini

Our body is called kunda (pot). The energy, the fundamental life force, which is in this pot when manifest on its glory is called kundalini. Symbolic representation of Kundalini is Three and half coil cobra i.e. the bendof our spinal column plus brain (Central nervous System) and something beyond three dimension or three gunas (Bhagwat Geeta). Chakras are centers of Pranashakti manifested by Pranavayu in the living body, the presiding Devatas of which are the names for the Universal Consciousness as it manifests in the form of these centers. Nadis are the astral tubes made up of astral matter that carry psychic currents i.e., Prana. Scriptures says there are 72000 nadis. Ida, Pingala and Subhuman are the most important of the innumerable Nadis. All Nadis start from the Kanda. Kanda is located in the space between the origin of the reproductive organ and the anus (Root chakra)Sushumna Nadi is situated within the Spinal Column, in the spinal canal. Within the SushumnaNadi there is a Nadi by name Vajra. Chitra Nadi, a minute canal, which is also called Brahmanadi, is within this Vajra Nadi. Kundalini, when awakened, passes through Chitra Nadi.

Kundalini has connection with subtle Prana. Subtle Prana has connection with the subtle Nadis and Chakras. Subtle Nadis have connection with the mind and nervous system. Mind has connection all through the body. That’s why it is said that, there is mind in every cell of the body. Within the human system, the life force energy is packed in layer of existence. One dimension of energy comes alive immediately, because that is necessary for survival process (Dynamic state), another dimension of energy will not come alive unless we do something about it to activate (static state). These two functions, static and dynamic, are termed ‘sleeping’ and ‘awakening’ of the Kundalini.  when completely dynamic Kundalini unites with Shiva in the Sahasrara, is the state of consciousness called Samadhi.

Kundalini can be awakened by Pranayama, Asanas and Mudras by Hatha Yogis; by concentration and training of the mind by Raja Yogis; by devotion and perfect self-surrender by Bhaktas; by analytical will by the Gyani’s; by Mantras by the Tantrikas; and by the grace of the Guru (Guru Kripa) through touch, sight or mere Sankalpa. 


The 7 Chakras in our Body and their Influence in our Life

The seven major chakras which run from the base of our spine to the top of our head. If these energy centers get blocked, we may experience physical or emotional symptoms related to a particular chakra.

Root chakra (Muladhar Chakra)

The root chakra is the base chakra and reflects our foundation. It is the place of vestigial gland. In Sanskrit it is known as Brahmgranthi. it’s the seat of annamay kosh. its belong to bhoo loka, and the chief centre of apan vayu.

Element: Earth | Color: Red | Mantra: LAM LocationBase of the spine between anus and genitals. Muladhar is the source of all energyThe Muladhara Chakra influences the health of the nose, bones, teeth, nails, anus, prostate, adrenals, kidneys, lower digestive functions, excretory functions, and sexual activity.
Imbalance in the chakra leads to tiredness, poor sleep, lower back pain, sciatica, constipation, depression, immune related disorders, obesity and eating disorders. 
Behavioral Impact of the imbalance: Ungrounded, fear, anger, low self-esteem, insecurity, obsessed with comfort, possessive. 
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Feeling grounded and centered, committed and independent, having energy and vitality, strength and stillness, able to digest foods well. 
Postures that Balance Chakra: Grounding into feet poses like Mountain Pose, Side-Angle Pose, Warrior Pose,Kite pose, many balancing pose, Standing Forward Bend and Bridge Pose Basti Shudhi kriya and Mulbandhanasikagra drishti. are great for establishing a stronger relationship with our body’s foundation, 

Sacral chakra (Swadhishthana Chakra)

The sacral chakra is associated with our reproductive area and is responsible for our creativity and related to prostatic and utero veginal plexus of nerves and endocrine gland

Element: Water | Color: Orange/White | Mantra: VAM Location: situated at the base of the pubis between the genitals and the sacral nerve plexus. Swadhishthana is the storehouse of past mental impressions Swadishthana Chakra deals with the individual’s emotional identity, creativity, desire, pleasure and self-gratification, procreation, and personal relationships. It governs the sexual organs, stomach, upper intestines, liver, gallbladder, kidney, pancreas, adrenal glands, spleen, middle spine, and auto immune system. 

An imbalanced Swadishthana chakra leads to lower back pain, sciatica, decreased libido, pelvic pain, urinary problems, poor digestion, low resistance to infection and viruses, tiredness, hormonal imbalances and menstrual problems.

Behavioral Impact of Imbalance: Irritability, shyness, guilt, blame, sexual obsession, lack of creativity craving, guilt ,depression. 
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Feeling compassionate and friendly, intuitiveness, vitality, having a sense of belonging and humor and joy
Postures that Balance Chakra: poses that strengthen your pelvic floor, where the sacral chakra resides, such as Bridge Pose or deep hip openers like pigeon pose ,Hip opening poses like Standing Wide Forward, Sitting Wide Forward Bend and Bound Angle Posevajroli and sahjoli ,Ashwini mudra are great for strengthening our sacral chakra. 

Solar plexus chakra (Manipura Chakra)

The solar plexus chakra is all about your inner fire and resides around our core. it belongs to swah loka, and the seat of pranmay kosha, and saman vayu. navel is the point where prana and apana meet. Solar plexus chakra  effect adrenal glands.

Element Fire | Color: Yellow | Mantra: RAM Locationbehind the navel in the spine

Manipur is the center of self-assertion, dynamism and dominance.
Manipura Chakra deals with a sense of belonging, mental understanding of emotions, and defines self-esteem in an individual. It governs effective functioning of the upper abdomen, gallbladder, liver, middle spine, kidney, adrenals, small intestines and the stomach and eyes.
Imbalanced Manipura chakra may lead to diabetes, pancreatitis, adrenal imbalances, arthritis, colon diseases, stomach ulcers, intestinal tumors, anorexia/bulimia or low blood pressure.
Behavioral Impact of Imbalance: Lack of self-esteem, timid, depression and fear of rejection, inability to make decisions, judgmental, anger, and hostility ego, jealousy.
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Energetic, confident, intelligent, productive, focused and good digestion.
Postures that Balance Chakra:

Heat building poses like Sun Salutation and Warrior pose; backbends like Bow pose, twists like Sitting Half-spinal twist; and abdominal strengthening poses like Boat pose,sarwang asanardh matsendra asan, peacock pose, Udiyan bandh, Agnisarkriya, Kapalbhati, , vaman shuddhi Kriya nauliprana meditation ( union of pran and apanare great for firing up our abs and creating more balance in this chakra.

Heart chakra (Anahata chakra)
Our Heart chakra, is the integration point between the lower chakras and the higher chakras. “It reflects our ability to open ourselves up to deeper connections with othersIt is the place of cardiac plexus of nerves. It’s the place of prana vayu and Vishnu granthi. It controls thumus glands.

Element: Air | Colors: Green or Pink/crimson | Mantra: YAM Location: in the spine, behind the sternum level with the region of the Heart. Anahad naad (the source of all sound) manifest in Anahat chakra. Anahata chakra affects a person’s social identity; and influences traits like trust, forgiveness, unconditional love, wisdom, compassion, and issues of the soul. It deals with the functioning of the heart, rib cage, blood, circulatory system, lungs and diaphragm, thymus gland, breasts, esophagus, shoulders, arms, hands. 
An imbalance can cause issues related to thoracic spine, upper back and shoulder problems, asthma, heart conditions, shallow breathing, and lung diseases. 
Behavioral Impact of Imbalance: Difficulty with love, lack of hope, compassion and confidence;, feeling of despair, and mood variations, suppress feelings and emotions
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Feeling of completeness and wholeness, compassionate, empathic, friendly, optimistic, motivated & outgoing, Unconditional love, positive state of mind.
Postures that Balance Chakra:  ShalabhasanCamel pose, Cobra pose, Fish pose, chkrasanGomukh asan, Bow pose,which help open our chest, shoulders, and arms so we can more fully embrace others and pranayama like Alternate nostril breathing , Bellow breathKapalbhatiUjjayee, bhramaripranyam and ajapa jap meditation unblock this chakra.

Throat chakra (Vishuddhi chakra)

The Throat chakra is our communication center.its the basis of vigyanmay kosha. vishuddhi chakra , controls thyroid gland.


Element: Sound or Ether | Color: Blue | Mantra: HAM Location: On the level of the throat, the nerve plexus of the pharynx region. 
Vishuddhi chakra is the center of purification. Right understanding and discrimination develop at vishuddhi chakra. Vishuddhi Chakra deals with personality traits like communication, creativity, faith, truthfulness, self-awareness and expression.
It governs the throat, the thyroid and parathyroid gland, trachea, cervical vertebrae, vocal cords, neck & shoulders, arms, hands, esophagus, mouth, teeth, and gums.
An imbalanced Vishuddhi chakra causes thyroid dysfunctions, sore throat, stiff neck, mouth ulcers, gum or tooth problems, laryngitis, hearing problems etc.
Behavioral Impact of Imbalance: Shaken faith, indecisiveness, weak will-power, inexpressiveness, lack of creativity, prone to addictions,.
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Creative and expressive, effective communication skills, content, good listener. 
Postures that Balance Chakra:Chin lock, Fish pose, Cat stretch, Neck stretches and Supported shoulder stand(vipreetkarni), Bridge Pose and Plow Poseskhecharimudra, Jalandhar bandh, ujjayi pranayama, are great poses to open up throat chakra. 

Third eye chakra (Ajna Chakra)
The third eye chakra rules your ability to invite a new reality into your life by dreaming up different possibilities. Rudra granthi reside here. it controls pineal and pituitary gland.
Element: Light/mind/GuruColors: Indigo | Mantra: AUM or OM Location: in mid brain, behind the mid of eyebrows (Third Eye). 
Ajna Chakra deals with self-awareness, wisdom, intellect, clairvoyance, implementation of ideas, detachment, insight, understanding and intuitive reasoning. It controls all chakras.Awakened Ajna chakra makes person steady and strong. Itgoverns the functions of the brain, eyes, ears, nose, pituitary gland, pineal glands and the neurological system

Any imbalance could lead to headaches, nightmares, eyestrain, learning disabilities, panic, depression, blindness, deafness, seizures, or spinal dysfunctions. 

Behavioral Impact of Imbalance: Poor judgment, confusion, fear of truth, indiscipline, and concentration issues. 

Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Clear thinking, healthy imagination, strong intuition power, concentration and improved focus. 

Postures that Balance ChakraChild's Pose, meditation, seated Yog Mudra; and palming the eyes and eye circles, Namaskar Mudra, Bhrumadhya Drishti, Tratak,, Alternate Nostril Breath , shambhavi mudra with om chanting..

Crown chakra (Sahasrara Chakra)

The crown chakra rules your connection to your higher self. 
Element: Conscience | Colors: Violet or White | Mantra: Silence Location: Crown of the head.
Sahasrara Chakra influences intuitive knowing, connection to spirituality, integration of mind-body-spirit and conscious awareness. It governs the center of the head and midline above the ears, brain, nervous system, and the pineal gland.
Imbalance in the Sahasrara chakra causes chronic exhaustion and sensitivity to light and sound.
Behavioral Impact of Imbalance: Lack of purpose, identity crisis, disbelief in any spiritual practices, or devotion and inspiration, sense of fear and materialistic nature.
Traits of a Balanced Chakra: Feeling at one with the universe, open-mindedness, intelligent, thoughtful, receptive to thought and ideas & overall harmonious personality. 

Postures that Balance Chakra: Balancing poses that bring awareness to the body, sitting in Yoga Mudra and meditation,Unmani mudra helps strengthen your crown chakra by connecting you with your eternal self — your soul — and reminding you where you came from and where you’ll go.

In short we could say different asanas like Surya namaskar , yognidra , shuddhi kriyas and pranayams, bandhas, mudras, meditations works on  cleansing our nadis and  balancing our chakra.,  few scholars vouches , chakras could also be balanced by Indian classical music, with different types of stones and gems, and through different healing techniques like Reiki, pranic healing , sounds of different frequency, balancing our body’s five elements by different activities like  barefoot nature walk,  gardening, swimming, havan , sunbath, wind bath, mud bath, singing, dancing, paintings, selfless service to society, changing our food habit, naturopathy, aroma therapy etc..

The chakra system is one way to understand the human body. Even minor disturbances in the “subtle body” can manifest as pain, disease, discomfort or general disharmony in our body, mind, heart, and spirit. As we make our way on our journey toward balance, bliss, and happiness, it’s important to strengthen our central nervous system and all major glands which are directly related to our chakras. When we balance our chakras, we are helping to satisfy our soul’s need for love, community, creativity, connection with the Divine, and authenticity.

(Based on the discourse , Articles of Gurudev Srisri and art of living and Books of Swami satyanand saraswati( Asan pranayam mudra bandh)

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