Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Should we try to prove ourselves to our enemies

 Q Jai Guru Dev, whom so ever I have loved whether my family or friends all have betrayed me and whatever I do for them goes wrong. I want to do something different and prove myself to them.

Sri Sri :  What is the use of trying to prove yourself to them? If you attempt to prove something to them, it will only lead to a waste of energy. Leave it and move on. 

Instead do what you want for yourself. 

If you something good to prove to others, anyways no one will be happy seeing it. They will only become jealous. What will we gain by creating more jealousy? It will only increase animosity. Therefore, forget about others and focus on your own life. 

The thirty to forty years of life left do what you want to do, earn how much you want to earn, do as much service in society as you want to do and then relax.







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