Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Significance of Varlakshmi

 Var means boon  and Lakshmi means a compassionate mother gives you boon . Mother Earth  and the Devine spirit : the Devine mother is so compassionate that you ask some thing and is given to you , that is what VarMahalakshmi. So in ancient times they bring pot of uncooked rice ,say Dhan lakshmi Dhanya lakshmi and put everything there.   Different types of wealth which sustain life is honoured. The wealth you see , behind  that wealth ,the Devine grace is Lakshmi….  SriSri

From An article by Bhanu didi

“Lakshmi is the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Wealth is a vital ingredient bestowed upon us for maintenance and progress in our life. It is much more than just having money. It means abundance in knowledge, skills and talents. Lakshmi is the energy that manifests as the complete spiritual and material well-being of a person.

Lakshmi is connected to Lakshya – the goal. She is the Shakti that directs you to your source, the goal of your life. There are eight aspects of this divine energy that may be bestowed upon us.

🪷Adi Lakshmi is the memory of the source. When we forget that we are part of the entire creation, we feel small and insecure. Adi Lakshmi is that aspect which connects us to our source, bringing strength and calmness to the mind.

🪷Dhana Lakshmi is the aspect of material wealth and Vidya Lakshmi is the aspect of knowledge, skills and talents.

🪷Dhanya Lakshmi manifests as wealth in the form of food. There is a saying ‘jaise ann, waise man’ – implying that the food we eat has a direct impact on our mind. The right amount and type of food, eaten at the right time and place affects our body and mind positively.

🪷Santana Lakshmi manifests as wealth in the form of progeny and creativity. People full of creativity, talented and skillful in the arts are bestowed with this aspect of Lakshmi. 

🪷Dhairya Lakshmi manifests as wealth in the form of courage and 

🪷Vijaya Lakshmi is the aspect that manifests as victory. 

🪷Bhagya Lakshmi is the aspect of good luck and prosperity. At different stages in life, different aspects of this energy manifest in a person.

The puranas say that Lakshmi emerged from the waters along with the nectar when the ocean was churned by the devas and the asuras (signifying the churning of the mind between opposite values). When you have Lakshmi, the right type of wealth, then life is filled with nectar.

Water is a symbol of love. Lakshmi emerging from the water explains that the right type of wealth emerges from love. Divine love is the highest wealth and is like nectar in our life.

Lakshmi is depicted as seated on a lotus floating in water. Lotus is a symbol of dispassion. A droplet of water on the lotus leaf moves freely on the surface without any stickiness whatsoever. Similarly, when we are not attached to wealth and not possessive, then what emerges is the wealth that is everlasting and light like a flower. Such wealth is life-

supporting, brings abundance and prosperity. Wealth should be moving like water. The purity of water is lost if it is stagnant. Similarly, the usefulness and value of wealth is only when it is shared and is moving.

Lakshmi is adorned with golden ornaments and is holding a lotus flower in two hands. This represents a brighter outlook and celebrative aspect of life, a combination of abundance without any possessiveness towards the wealth. Further when wealth is used for the benefit of humanity, it doesn’t bog you down, it is light like a flower. 

The other two hands hold mudras symbolizing the shower of blessings and indicating that we should have patience.

In Gurudev SriSri’s  words

Lakshmi – the symbol of material prosperity - is portrayed pressing the feet of Narayana - the symbol of spirituality…Ancient sages honoured money as a part of the Divine and transcended the grip of its illusion. They honoured wealth as Goddess Lakshmi who is born out of Yoga that transforms bad karma, brings out latent skills, the ashta siddhis (eight perfections) and nava nidhis (nine types of wealth).

Lakshmi (Abundance) comes where there is inner and outer purity. Inner purity comes with Meditation and Pranayama…If you have a financial problem, you have to take action. It is not good to simply sit and wait for money to come from somewhere or run to an astrologer. You have to take alternative precautions…Lakshmi (Goddess of wealth) goes to him, who is putting effort.

Goddess Lakshmi sits on a lotus flower in water, symbolising that wealth is unstable. Your real wealth is your inner strength. You may have lots of money, but if your mind is fearful and small, then what is the point? And the most important point is the faith in the highest self --- the faith that I am going to get whatever I need and whenever I need. Then you give miracles a chance. Bank your faith on the divinity and the power of your own sankalpa (positive intenstion) and thoughts. All that we need is to have a heart to do something. Then Nature and God will help you.






Picture credit : internet


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