Tuesday, August 2, 2022

Significance of tridal chaturdal panchdal,na dal bilvapatra


The famous Bilvashtakam praises the virtues of the Bilva(Bel) leaf and Shiva’s love for it. Why is the Bilva so admired? By common knowledge, we know that the tree has been held sacred for many millennia and offerings made to Shiva are incomplete without Bel leaves. There are many symbolisms attributed to this leaf: the trifoliate leaves or tridal are believed to represent various trinities – creation, preservation and destruction; or the three gunas or qualities of sattva, rajas and tamas; or the three syllables that make up AUM, the primordial sound that resonates Shiva’s essence. The three leaves are also considered to indicate Mahadeva’s three eyes, or the trishul, his emblematic weapon. 

Bilva Patra is auspicious in Jainism as the 23rd Tirthankara, Parshavantha, attained nirvana under this tree

That is as far as legend goes. But as life, why is the Bel held so sacred? 

Gurudev SriSri says 

“No worship is complete without offering something to the deity. Lord Shiva is very simple and innocent, and doesn’t expect much; hence, he is called Bholenath. One just needs to offer ‘bel-patra’ to him. Bel-patra offering signifies the surrender of all three aspects of one’s nature—tamas, rajas, and sattva. You have to surrender the positives and negatives of your life to Lord Shiva and become free.”


According to ancient scriptures like Skandapurana, Bel tree grew out of the sweat droplets of Goddess Parvati, which fell on the Mandrachal mountain.

It is said that she resides in these trees in all her forms. Goddess Girija resides at its root. It is remembered that Dakshayani is present on its stem, Maheshwari on its branches, Goddess Parvati on its leaves and Katyayani on its fruit. Gauri has been mentioned as present on its bark, Aparna at the middle of the bark, Durga in the flower and Uma in the branches and twigs. At the behest of Girija, nine crores of Shaktis have stationed themselves on its thorns for the sake of protecting living beings.

Due to this reason Lord Shiva is extremely fond of the bilwa tree and its leaves. 

 According to Bilvashtakam ,  Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu and Shiva reside in the Bilva leaf.

Moolatho Brahma roopaya, Madhya Vishnu roopine, agratha Shiva roopaya, Eka Bilvam Shivarpanam…


Even in Lakshmi Ashtothram ( 108 mantras ), one mantra is

Om Bilva_nilayayai Namah , which conveys that Goddess Lakshmi resides in the Bilva tree.


SIGNIFICANCE OF 4 leaves , 5 leaves , 9 leaves ,heart shaped Belpatra:

It is believed it points towards some good luck. It may not be in a material form always. It is a sign that your worship and offerings are being accepted and you are loved and noticed.

Especially if the leaves have a heart shape💗, then Lord Shiva loves you and accepts you as a nice person and dear devotee.

As per Hindu scriptures  4 leaves belpatra represent 4 vedas , 5 leaves belpatra represent Brahma , Vishnu , Mahesh, Ganapati , and  maa Bhagvati, 9 leaves belpatra represent NavDurga. 

If by luck we get these leaves we should write Ram on each leaf with red sandalwood and offer to shiv linga and after that we should keep it safely  after framing it in prayer room  or near main door as blessings of lord Shiv Shivaa🙏🏻


👉The bel patra plant takes away all negative vibes and fills the surroundings with positivity as it also confers good health and prosperity. 

👉Sattvic leaf like bilva patra when brought in proximity of a person suffering from negative energies such as distress and anxiety is believed to medically reduce these energies within the human body.

👉Lighting a lamp under the bel tree is considered good for gaining knowledge.

👉Those who meditate upon Lord Mahadeva in His form of linga at the root of Bilva obtain Moksha & become purified souls by attaining Shiva. Such are the marvels of this sacred Bilva.


Its roots ,fruits and leafs have been used from times immemorial in traditional systems of medicine particularly in Ayurveda .They are known to relieve diarrhea ,dysentery ,constipation ,peptic ulcer and respiratory infections .they are anti diabetic ,anti microbial ,anti inflammatory ,antipyretic ,analgesic ,cardio protective ,anti spermogenic ,aphrodisiac, anti cancer and radio protective . 

Jai Gurudev 🙏🏻









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