Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Why is Om namah shivay considered Mahamantra

 Om or Aum is the sound of the universe. Scientists tell us that our universe was born out of the big bang. Vedas tell us that it was the big OM. The process is continuing. It has never stopped. 

AUM is made up of  three sounds A ( Brahma /creation /reproductive system) U ( Vishnu/ preserver/ digestive and respiratory system ), M (Shiv/transformation/brain). Thus AUM sound heal all three types of organs of our body. 

when we chant Om, we overcome our weaknesses as divinity gradually blossoms within us.


Om Namah Shivaya is known as the maha mantra( panchakshari mantra)  because it represents all five elements, i.e. earth, water, fire, air and ether. ‘Om’ surrounds everything, ‘Na’ represents earth or ‘Prithvi’, ‘Mah’ represents water or ‘Jal’, ‘Shi’ represents fire or ‘Agni’, ‘Va’ represents air or ‘Vayu’ and ‘Ya’ represents ether or ‘Akash’.


Om Namah Shivaya chanting harmonizes the five elements in the environment. When there is peace, love and harmony in all the five elements, then there is bliss and there is joy not just within you, but also around you.


This mantra also has a profound inner significance. ‘Na’ means No and ‘Mah’ or ‘Mahyam’ stands for ‘Aham’ or I. Shiva is the transcendental consciousness. In other words, Shiva is that state 

where the mind or limited consciousness dissolves or doesn’t exist.

Manaha' is the mind and the reverse of it 'Namaha' is the mind moving inwards. 'Vashi' means control and the opposite of it - Shiva - is complete letting go.

“There is no mind in the Shiva Tattva. The consciousness which is bliss and innocence, the consciousness which is the bestower of dispassion is Shiva.” 


Chanting Om Namah Shivaya can lead us gradually to that state of “No mind” or Shiva Tattva.


The negative vibes around a person make them repulsive. Mantras turn around these negative, repulsive vibrations, into more positive and attractive vibrations. This is the advantage of mantra chanting.” ~ Gurudev 


Benefits of chanting Om Namah Shivaya mantraπŸ‘πŸ»

🌞Om Namah Shivaya infuses positive energy and removes negative energy. It is also a stress-buster, helping you to relax and unwind.

πŸŒ•A restless mind becomes stable and peaceful with regular chanting.

πŸŒ•Om Namah Shivaya helps you to gain control over your senses. This will help you govern your mind eventually. 

πŸŒ•Om Namah Shivaya gives you a sense of direction and purpose in life. 

πŸŒ•There are nine planets and 27 constellations. Since the Shiva Tattva is the presiding energy and governs the planets as well, chanting Om Namah Shivaya can help nullify the effects of malefic planets to a certain extent.

How to chant Om Namah Shivaya:-


πŸ‘‰You should chant Om Namah Shivaya ideally after taking a bath in the morning when you offer your prayers. It can also be chanted during the day.

The best time to chant Om Namah Shivaya is during sunrise and sunset. However, even if you miss these times, fret not, this powerful mantra will be beneficial at all prahars (a unit of time in Vedic Astrology, approximately three hours long) of the day. 

πŸ‘‰Om Namah Shivaya can be chanted either aloud or in your mind silently.

πŸ‘‰Chanting Om Namah Shivaya 108 times in succession leads to the best experience.

πŸ‘‰ it is recommended when we go to new places , then before sleeping we should chant this mantra few times to clean  the energy of that place. So that we don’t get bad dreams induced by that place ..

Jai Gurudev πŸ™πŸ»






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