Tuesday, August 16, 2022

The symbols and symbolism of shiva

 Shiva is a principle, it is the ‘Shiva tattva’. Shiva wasn’t a person. Never ever limit Shiva to a body, space, or time. That’s why he is called ‘Mahakaal’, the time of times, the cause of all causes. And the way Shiva is described is very interesting…They say that His body is permeating the entire universe. So He is that principle, that energy, that consciousness.” ~ Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar


Today, even astronomy tells us that 99.99% of the universe is just empty -  nothingness. So, 95% of this is ‘dark matter’ and ‘dark energy’, so-called because they do not reflect, absorb or emit light and hence cannot be seen - ever. 

Shiva means that which is innocent, benevolent, beautiful, transcendental, and absolute. There is a certain correlation between the five elements, seven layers of our being, and our consciousness. Shiva energy permeates through the universe and you will find that it is possible to experience the Shiva Tattva - absolute nothingness - within us.


 Shiva’s Adornments


πŸŒ™Crescent moon

‘Shiva tattva’ or the infinite consciousness is beyond the mind. The crescent moon represents infinity to the manifested world.


The state of samadhi is the supreme state of alertness. The snake represents this state of alertness or consciousness.


There are three states of consciousness- waking, dreaming and sleeping. The ‘Trishul’ or trident represents these three states of consciousness.

Trishul  represents the three gunas-  satva, rajas and tamas, The divinity is beyond the three gunas, but it holds the three gunas together.

Shul means problems or suffering. Trishul means that which destroys all kind of suffering.

Three types of pain that arise in life:

1. Aadibhautik (physical)

2. Aadhyaatmik (spiritual) and

3. Aadidaivik (ethereal)

What relieves you from all the problems and suffering is the trishul. And it is in the hand of Shiva.

πŸ‘Third eye

The third eye or ‘tri netra’ of Shiva represents the power of knowledge. When the third eye opens, it burns out the enemies of mind.


Damru of Shiva also symbolizes the ever expanding and contracting universe. Damru of Shiva also represents the one supreme wave permeating the whole universe.

πŸ’¦River Ganga

River Ganga comes out of the head of Shiva. Head is the home of knowledge. River Ganga represents the knowledge that purifies our mind.


Neelkantha represents the importance of modifying the vices into virtues. Shiva holds the poison or negative thoughts with patience and modifies them into qualities for the benefit of the universe.

 πŸ‘€Blue Body

Blue means like the Sky. Blue signifies all pervading, infinity which has no limits. 

πŸ‚Nandi (bull)

Nandi represents ‘dharma’ or righteousness. Shiva riding on Nandi represents the fact that once we are on the path of dharma, the supreme consciousness always supports us.


Significance of Shiva Linga

Lingam means identification, a symbol through which you can identify what the truth is, what the reality is. What is not visible but yet can be identified by one thing, that is lingam.

 It is a symbol that is the representation of the cosmos and the creator of the cosmos, as one.

It is the Shiva and the Shakti, the two principles in the creation. The silent un-manifest and the dynamic manifestation together are represented as Shiva Linga. Shiva Linga is not just Shiva, but the completion of the total Supreme Consciousness.


Significance of Shiva Tandav

The whole creation is the dance of one consciousness (Shiva). The one consciousness danced and manifested into a million species in the world. So this infinite creation is the dance of Lord Shiva or Shiva Tandav. The whole world is a place of Shiva.


Significance of Kailasa - 

The Abode of Shiva

The abode of Shiva is in Mount Kailasa, and the smashana (the cremation ground).

Kailasa means 'where there is only celebration', and smashana is where there is only void. The Divinity dwells in the void as well as in celebration. And in you there is void, in you there is celebration.

Jai Gurudev πŸ™πŸ»







 Kailas Picture credit:  kailash-mansarovaryatra.in

Reference:  artofiving.org


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