Tuesday, August 16, 2022

How pitri dosh impact us and what are the remedies

 Q:- Guru Ji , do children pay for their parent’s karma ?

Sri Sri :-  Say, your parents make a lot of property and you enjoy that!! So, when you enjoy their good actions, you also enjoy their bad actions !! There is also a way to get over it. Meditation. Chant Om Namaha Shivaaya ॐ नमः शिवाय. Do some charity for the poor people. Then all pitri dosha  will go. Have good feelings for them. They are ancestors - thank them. We do Dishaa pranaam . It is so powerful. A portion of your meditation reaches to that side. That is why sometimes when people sit for meditation, they do not feel anything at all. It is like paying back a debt.


If son or daughter is spiritual, loving and caring, devoted, an amount of their practice reflects on to their immediate ancestors. The merit of having such a son and daughter goes to the parents. And their spirit gets that energy. Like inheritance in the gross world. If your father and mother are rich, you inherit the riches after they are gone.

It is automatic that you inherit. In the subtle, it is the other way around. Children do meditation and parents inherit. When children do a good thing, a portion of it goes to parents. You (son or daughter) take material from them and give them something of spirit.


What is Pitru (pitri) Dosha, how does it affect our daily life and how do we correct it?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar: 

Pitru Dosha comes out of torturing the parents or ancestors. If children torture the parents and do not understand them, then that is called Pitru Dosha. The parents have brought you up with so much love, taking pain they have given you a good life, they have been by your side and helped you grow, and then you don't give them love and inflict pain on them, that is called Pitru Dosh.

But I tell you, your meditation, your being on the spiritual path, keeping a clean heart and doing a selfless service, to some degree will eliminate the Dosha from your life. See, sometimes people are miserable not because you did something to them, but they are miserable because of their own ignorance. They expect things from you which you may not be able to deliver. Then you don't get Pitru Dosha. It happens when they are really pained by something you could do, but you did not do. When you intentionally inflict pain on the parents due to your selfish reasons then that is Pitru Dosha.

Then what happens? The progeny will have problems. Your children will give you problems. The impact of it is -- children are born with some special needs; some deformities. These are all the signs of Pitru Dosha. Somewhere in the ancestral line, parents were very unhappy with their kids, now you have to become unhappy with your own kids. This is the law of karma.

But there is a remedy for it, and the remedy is meditation. 'Om Namah Shivaya' chanting also helps. This is why it's called Maha Mantra. It can rectify any of these Doshas. 'Om Namah Shivaya' does not belong to only one religion. It is universal and it is for everybody.


Ques : Why and how does our meditation benefit our ancestors?


Sri Sri Ravishankar : 

When you meditate, it creates a positive vibration and the vibration is not limited to this plane of existence. Our brain is only a frequency analyzer, there are many frequencies right here, many dimensions of reality. So when you meditate, the vibration affects many layers of our existence, many layers of reality. That’s what it is.


When you meditate and you are in knowledge, that knowledge can pass on to the ancestors as well. 

There is a beautiful ceremony in India called Tarpan. Tarpan means fulfilling, satisfying. A son or daughter prays for their ancestors, who have passed across, to be content and fulfilled. They take sesame seeds with water and they say ‘Tripyati, Tripyati, Tripyati’. Tripyati means be content. 

The ceremony means, 'You might be having small desires in the mind, they’re like the sesame seeds. Just drop them and move on, be content. We are here to fulfill your desires, don’t worry about these little things'. This is what they say.

So reading Yoga Vasishta (an ancient Indian text), and being in knowledge itself spreads the subtle light to other realms of existence. So they get fulfilled by you being happy and content, by you being in devotion, and in wisdom. That positive vibration reaches to other planes and touches them too. You don’t have to do any special thing for it.

Sometimes people feel that they are not getting the benefit of their meditation. It is because a portion of the merits of their meditation is being reaped elsewhere. Someone else is enjoying that. So, that is okay. 


When you meditate, the impact of your attention goes to those whose debt you owe, just like your father. They also benefit from your attention. Sometimes when you meditate, you feel great in meditation. While, sometimes you don't feel like you meditated. Meditating doesn't make you feel that your mind is calm. Looks like all the energy is gone. These are the meditations that benefit your ancestors. This is the way to hold the cup, in which when water is poured into the cup, the cup kept on top does not fill till the cup is fully filled. It happens to a lot of people some days that they don't feel good after practicing meditation. They feel lazy or boredom in meditation. These are the meditations that benefit the souls of your ancestors. But, it doesn't happen always. Sometimes it also happens when tiredness or not meditating properly. But, this is one of the main reasons not feeling good after meditating. This is the debt of karma to pay. 🌹🌹


Q: When we start meditating the first thing we do is we pay off a debt for our ancestors or give them something. Can you explain this a little further?

 Gurudev : Yes, see like your DNA, your body is connected to your parents or to your very close friends. Haven’t you experienced this? Someone very close to you has some problem and you start feeling it in your body. How many have experienced this? So, on the physical level you are connected and more subtle than that is your subtle body. You’re connected to ancestor’s, to your parents.

How many of you keep getting dreams of people who have already passed, who have crossed over to other side? So, your mind and your consciousness are linked. So there is a constant energy exchange. Every time you meditate you are generating energy and that energy goes that way also. When you have cleared all these debts, that’s when you’re called a monk, a sanyasi. A real term monk means all debts are cleared, everything is settled. I am totally free. But that is one state, everybody doesn’t have to get there, you can continue the way.






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