Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Can I change the lines of my hand

 Q. Gurudev, like most of the so called 'orthodox’ families, I have been raised in a similar one, where conventionality is the basis of deciding a thing. I have a passion for a profession apart from Army, but couldn't pursue as according to astrologers and stars, I am more suited to Army. Should I follow my passion or the stars, knowing that I am doing well at present, and if passion, then how do I convince my parents?

Sri Sri: I think you should go with your passion. And if you are a sadhak (devotee), all the lines in your hand changes.

One of our Teacher is also a very well known Astrologer in Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh. He has done a research work on this, lines on palm, he has taken the lines in the palm and after 40 days of doing Sudarshan Kriya, Meditation, everything, he took the prints again, he said there was big change. He has published his thesis on this. How you can change your destiny by doing sadhana (spiritual practices).

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