Tuesday, August 16, 2022

Remedies to overcome Bad planetary effects

 Q: Should we believe in astrology ?

Sri Sri :  Astrology is a science, but astrologers aren’t scientists. Often, they say something or the other. If there is something wrong with your Horoscope, it can be corrected by doing 

πŸ‘‰Meditation, Seva and Satsang. You can change everything by doing all this. We must understand that past was destiny, and we can change our future.


Planets do have an impact on us, just as they have an impact on water - since seventy percent of our body is the element of water.  So, the mind, water, and planets are all intimately connected. Hence, the microcosm and macrocosm are connected. 

The moon affects the mind, and that is why people, who have gone crazy, are called lunatic! During full moon and new moon, people who are crazy become crazier. Those who think they are not crazy become a little more crazy! So, planets definitely impact the mind, intellect and body.

However, not all effects of planets are bad. Both good and bad influences exist. 

πŸ‘‰If you meditate, do pranayama, sing, and follow such other practices, you enhance the good effects of the planets. 


 πŸ‘‰A person can meditate during bad times. He goes beyond time and space when he meditates – beyond the intellect. The effect of the rays or the planet is only up to the intellect. It cannot go beyond the intellect. It stops at the body, breath, mind and intellect. We are the source of energy and cannot be touched or affected by the outer configuration of planets. 


πŸ‘‰Mantra brings out all positive energy with in you. . That is why it is called mantra kavach(armor); a mantra creates the sense of an armor around your body.


πŸ‘‰There are nine planets and twelve zodiac constellations. When these nine planets move through the twelve zodiac signs, they can create 108 different kinds of effects in our lives. In order to save ourselves from any ill effects of those vibrations, we chant Om Namaha Shivaya.


πŸ‘‰Our ancestors and Rishis (wise sages) also used to say that when you perform a Yagna (sacred fire ritual) here, the vibrations and effects will reach everywhere. When you pray, your prayers have the power to move the whole world.


If you are on the spiritual path, he (Saturn) can be good for you, he will elevate your life. If you have dispassion, he will help you more. If you are not on the spiritual path, he will create a problem so that you get on the spiritual path.


 *( Various chantings like Kaal Bhairavashtakam , Maha mrityunjay mantra , Lalita Sahsranamam ,  listening vigyan Bhairav , Devi kavacham , Gau poojan , Various Homas , Rudra Pooja , Daan are also recommended by Our AOL  rishis and Swami jis to lessen the malefic affect of planets

Trees plantation could also be beneficial to lessen the malefic effect of planets  ( my research ) . check this : 

https://www.facebook.com/102659084529343/posts/434071078054807/?d=n.  )









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