Thursday, August 18, 2022

Faith prayer and action

 “Material and physical laws exist, but there is something higher than the obviously seen physical creation of names and forms”… Gurudev Sri Sri says..

There is a limitation in the field of #action (Karma-kshetra); but still it is necessary to make effort on our part. This is the essence of the Geeta: “Be involved in action and have unswerving faith in the power of intention (sankalpa).”

Have faith and know that the best will happen. Once you have faith in God, then you should not doubt it one bit…


Faith is at the core of human existence. It plays a big role in shaping one’s life. It sustains life and leads one through difficult times. At the same time, it brings out hidden courage and potential in more ways than one. 

There are three types of faith: 

πŸ™πŸ»In oneself, 

πŸ™πŸ»in the world and 

πŸ™πŸ»in the divine. 

And the three are connected. One must have all three to be strong. To have faith is to realise that God is protecting you. This is a necessary and a sufficient condition to move ahead in life. 


#Faith leads to prayer and prayer is a vital tool to improve your life. Prayer nurtures values such as integrity and honesty. You don’t need any special qualifications or abilities to pray. It is something that comes from within. Similarly, prayer doesn’t mean just sitting and chanting. It’s about being in a serene, calm, meditative state. That is why, in the Vedic tradition, before prayer comes dhyan (meditation) and there is dhyan after prayer. When the mind is focussed, the prayer becomes far more powerful, it is the cry of a soul. To whom you pray is not important. Religion puts words to the prayer and adds symbols and rituals to it, the prayer itself transcends them. It happens at subtle levels and the feelings transcend words and religion. The act of praying itself has the power to bring about transformation. 

Now, prayer happens in two situations or in a combination of situations. You pray when you feel grateful or when you feel utterly helpless. In either case, your prayers will be heard and answered. ..

Every moment of helplessness, weakness leads you to prayer and the prayer keeps you out of negativity, and keeps you from falling deep down into depression. 

A true #prayer can’t happen without devotion and faith. Having faith is to realise that God is there to protect you. Devotion is an inner flowering. Be sincere in your prayers. Do not try to outsmart the divine. Be honest with your prayer time and you will definitely be rewarded. Root your love, faith and belief deeply. The world is a celebration. Stay happy at all times..”


So, remember these two situations: #Gratefulness when you feel strong, and when you feel weak, prayerfulness..

#Prayerfulness brings you total power. It completes the circle. One who prays and one to whom he is praying becomes one in prayer. It turns everything around

( This article is based on various articles and teachings of Gurudev)

#srisriravishankar #happylifewithartofliving #srisri

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