Monday, August 22, 2022

Is recitation of prayer gives specific result

 Gurudev, there are so many different #prayers in Hinduism. Some for Devi, some for Vishnu. In each prayer it is said that with regular recitation of the prayer one will be benefited. Now all prayers say the same thing, how do we know which one to follow?

Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:  See, the first thing to understand is that God is One. No matter by what name you may call him, he is One. That is one thing. 

Secondly, it is not true that God is pleased by listening to His Stuti (devotional songs or hymns sung in praise of God). 

When you open the windows of your house, the sunlight just comes inside, isn't it? 

If you close the windows of your house, do you think the sun will get angry with you? Will the sun suddenly stop giving sunlight if you do this? No! 

Whatever prayer we do, we do it for our own happiness. We pray to uplift our own selves. We do not pray to please God. 

People who think that they can please God by fasting are foolish. It is sheer ignorance. 

Now, do not think that God will give you something very special if you worship him and pray. Yes, if you pray, you will surely get the fruits of your prayer because that is the law of nature. Just like how, when you open the windows, the sunlight will surely come into the house and when the sunlight comes you will get the benefits for sure. 

See, God anyways loves you very much. But to grow to love #God just as He loves you, that is what devotion really is and this is the essence of prayer. 

Pooja means that which is born out of fullness and completeness. To express a heart which is overflowing with so much gratitude and joy, Pooja is done. 

‘Dear God, I am so grateful and #blessed. You have given me so much in abundance’ – to express this feeling, we do #Pooja. 

When such a feeling arises within us, then some action inevitably gets linked with it also. One simply cannot resist expressing this deep feeling of gratitude…


Prayer isn't asking for something;it is gratitude;a recognition of the huge tidal waves of Love that God is pouring on you every moment.

Both #sankalpa (taking a firm resolve or wish for some action) and surrender go together. Once you have done your 100% and there is nothing more you can do, then you surrender. 

When you become so strong in your #Sadhana(spiritual practices) that no cravings or aversions remain within you, and neither are there any desires – then such a state is called Naishkarma Siddhi (the extraordinary ability to attain or achieve something without doing any action for it). 

That is, a state in which your work and wishes get fulfilled without having to make efforts for it. However, until that state comes, we must continue to act and do our work.


As we continue to go deeper and grow more on the spiritual path, we become more contented. The more contented we become, that much more will we be able to receive such siddhis (extraordinary abilities.) 

( This article is based on  various discourse and articles of Gurudev )

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#Prayer #artofliving

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