Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meditation part 5

Basic Meditation Exercise To Try At home

A way to Relax

This is a basic meditation exercise that you can try from the comfort of your own home. I have practiced this with success several times, so I know it works.
If you have a meditation timer, set it for 20 minutes. Otherwise use any regular alarm clock that doesn't have a very strong and loud noise.
Between each step allow a few seconds to pass, so that your mind can absorb and follow the instructions in the meditation script.
Make sure you are alone and rested. Don't meditate if you feel ill or in a bad mood, as it won't work and you will just get frustrated.
If you have any thoughts entering your mind during the meditation, it is ok. All you simply need to do is turn your inner gaze and your focus towards your body. Simply let those thoughts fade away.

The Meditation Steps

1.Sit in your favorite meditation position, using the posture that you are most comfortable with.

2.Close your eyes.

3.Take a few deep breaths and after that simply continue breathing naturally. Don't force your breath to be deep or shallow.

4.Focus your attention to the top of your head. Imagine that you are looking from outside of yourself to the top of your head and your shoulders.

5.Feel your head relax.

6.Focus on your forehead. Feel it relax.

7.Focus your attention on your eyes: your eyebrows, your eyelids and your eye muscles. Sense how they are also relaxing along.

8.Now move gently your inner eyes to your cheecks and let the cheeks relax.

9.Next travel to your nose, feel it relax. Feel how you inhale the fresh air through your nostrils. Let the nostrils do your work while they relax as well.

10.Focus on your mouth, feel your upper lips and your lower lips relax. Let just a tiny space open between your lips. Keep the tongue either behind the lower teeth or touching lightly the upper palate. Let your entire mouth relax.

11.Now travel down to your neck and shoulder muscles. Let them gently relax.

12.Focus your attention on your upper arms, on your lower arms, on your hands, palms and fingers one at a time. As you travel your focus to each of these parts, give each the command to relax, to sleep.

13.Let your inner eye wander over your upper back, your lower back and your hips. Feel them relax with the easy gaze of your eyes traveling along them.

14.Now focus on your chest, your lungs, your stomach and your belly area. Feel each one at a time and then let them relax.

15.Feel your thighs and then let them relax as well.

16.Travel with your mind' eyes down on your legs, starting with the upper legs, your knees, your lower legs, your ankles, your feet and your toes. Feel each part relax gently under the caress of your inner eyes.

17.Once you have reached each spot on your body and let it relax, scan again briefly your entire body for tension spots. If you find any, release those tension spots. Allow them to relax.
Maybe you have a tense muscle in one of your legs. Contract those muscles and then release them to relax. The tension should leave with this fast movement followed by the relaxation instruction.

18.Now simply sit for a few moments in this relaxing position and enjoy the feeling of not having any tension in your body. Feel how your mind is also calm, relaxed.

19.If you have used a meditation alarm clock or timer then simply sit in this comfortable position until the sounding of the alarm.

20.When it's time to end your meditation, with the eyes still closed, come back to the now by remembering something that you did just prior to starting the meditation. This will anchor you back in the present and will ground you.

21.Now open your eyes and enjoy the new calm that you are experiencing.

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