Thursday, July 12, 2012

Meditation part 4

                                                                Chakra balancing meditation

Chakra balancing meditation helps your body with opening, clearing and harmonizing the chakras through meditation techniques.
The chakras, most commonly, refer to the seven major energy centers in the body that run along the spine. They start at the tailbone and go upward to the crown of the head. The word, chakra, simply means wheel, and these are typically seen as spiraling circles of light.
Before starting a chakra meditation, it is important to ground and center. One of the best ways to center and balance that is by sitting in a comfortable position on the chair with the feet touching the floor.

•Take a few deep breaths to relax and calm my mind.
1.Bring your focus to your breath for ten long, deep inhales. Let it fill your belly, then your lungs until both are stretched to capacity.

2.Then, gently let the air out from the chest, then the belly, by blowing it through your teeth.

3.After ten breaths you should feel very relaxed. Keep breathing long and deep as you begin to focus at the base of the spine.
•Next imagine (or visualize or feel) roots growing from my feet going down to the center of the Earth. It starts a a thin root, and eventually it grows big and thick so that the connection to the Earth becomes very strong.

4.Start at the spot between your legs, where the root chakra lies. You want to shift your mental attention and breath to this area. Picture a spiraling ball of light and start to make it grow with your mind until it surrounds your entire being. Imagine that the ball is spinning clockwise. Let it fill the room, the world or the universe. Let it become as big or small as it wants, but don't shrink it from its original size. Then, bring it back to a normal size and put it back in place in the body. You, may notice it is glowing more intensely now.

5.Next, bring your focus just below the tailbone, where the sacral chakra is and picture a small, swiftly circling ball of orange light. Grow it outward just as you did the color red, letting it fill your mind, then your body, and then letting it become as big as it wants before bringing it back down and placing it in its position.

6.Shift your attention, now, to the belly button. This core chakra called the solar plexus chakra uses the color yellow. Work with it in the same manner as the last two colors.

7.Then, move on to the heart chakra, located in the center of the chest. The color for this chakra is green. Feel free to pull your shoulders back and down slightly and straighten your spine upward, lifting the heart as you meditate on this center. Typically, we experience a large chakra blockage here.

8.Spend as much time as you like, then move on to the throat chakra, just behind the front of the throat, and see the color blue. If you get the urge to sing out or chant, allow that to happen. Don't try to control what is said, and don't judge yourself for it. If, instead, your throat feels constricted, feel free to stretch it by letting your head drop down and back, exposing your throat to the sky or ceiling.

9.After the throat chakra, bring your focus between the eyes and up slightly to the third eye. The third eye chakra likes the color  indigo. Meditate on this color the same as before.

10.When you are ready, move to the seventh and final crown chakra, which likes the color violet, or dark purple, and the color white. Let these colors pour out of the crown of your head, and then imagine each color rising up the spine and blending into pure white light as it leaves through the top of your skull.

Main Benefits

Balancing the chakras with a chakra clearing meditation by beginning to work with them helps clear away ignorance and bring about clear seeing.
It opens us to the wisdom and power of the universe, while simultaneously strengthening us, healing past wounds, and opening our hearts.
Relationships, issues with money, and grief we cannot let go of are all examples of the obstructions being cleared away as we focus on these energy centers and cleanse them. Each time we do a chakra cleansing or balancing meditation, it yields new insights, and refreshes us mentally and spiritually.


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