Thursday, July 12, 2012

Anapanasati meditation (Anapana)

                               Anapanasati Meditation 

It is also a  Buddhist Meditation. In 10 days vipassana course , we are taught how to do Anapana meditation at first and we have to practice it for first few  days.and believe me it is one of the best meditation I have learnt. With in the first three days of the course, body started detoxifying and mind started to become little bit calm and focused...
While sitting, we simply watch our breath and notice its length without any judgement of why the breath is too long or too short. Focusing on the breath is the only object of this meditation.

The few simple steps to practice the Anapanasati meditation method:

1.Sit on the mat with  back in a straight posture allowing for a straight spine.

2. Allow shoulders relax while placing both hands in your lap facing up..

3.Close eyes and start focusing on breath.

4.Start feeling the spot where   the air blowing out of nostrils including above the lips. When we exhale, that spots gets hit with the air and it trembles slightly.

5.Following that particular spot above the  lips, called anapana (hence the Anapanasati meditation) both when we breath in and breath out.

6. we have to simply observe in our mind when the breath is short, or when it is longer and we should not try to adjust it. The short breath is called Rassam pajanati, and the long breath is called Digham pajanati.

Benefits of Anapanasati meditation

This technique has several benefits that everyone who is practicing it regularly can achieve it:
•Improving focus (due to the constant focus on the breathing)

•Helping with slowing the aging process

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