Saturday, September 3, 2022

Significance of 32 forms of lord Ganesh

 Ganesha-centric scriptures describe  the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. The first 16 forms of Ganesha are known by the name “Shodasa Ganapati” and the later ones are known as “Ekavimsathi”.

Among them, the thirteenth, viz. Mahāgaṇapati, is especially widely worshipped. There is a tāntrik sect which is devoted to this form. Śakti-gaṇapati, Ucchishṭa-gaṇapati and Lakshmī-gaṇapati are also tāntrik forms, which receive worship which is cultic and esoteric. Heraṃba-gaṇapati is popular in Nepāl.

 Let us have a look at all the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha

☀️Taruna Ganpati

The eight-armed ‘Taruna Ganapati‘ represents youth, progressiveness and compassion. His complexion is bright as the sun and he represents youth blossoming in all living beings. he blesses his devotee with young and beautiful looks. He is depicted as bearing a goad and noose, green paddy, a sugarcane stalk, rose apple and wood apple in His eight hands, which symbolize fertility.

☀️Bala Ganpati

Bala Ganesha is like a child. He represents the element of Earth and signifies earth’s abundance and fertility.The idol of Bala Ganapathi is elephant faced and has four hands holding the fruits of the Earth – Mango, Jackfruit, Banana and Sugarcane in his four hands. His trunk garners His favorite sweet; the modaka. He is believed to save the devotees from sin.

☀️Bhakti Ganpati

His appearance is pleasant and calm to look at. He protects his devotees from all danger. He represents the element water and his worship is believed to help in relaxing mind and in controlling temper.

He is portrayed to have four arms holding coconut, Mango, Banana and sweet made of Jaggery (Cup of Payasam).

☀️Veera Ganpati

Veera Ganpati represents a warrior. His 16 arms hold powerful weapons like a shield, a spear, a goad, a trident, a hammer and a battle axe among other things.

☀️Shakti Ganpati

He represents shakti or power. He is sitting in the ‘Abhaya mudra‘ and he is embracing Shakti Devi. He represents the element Aakash or space.

☀️Dvija Ganapati

The four-headed ‘Dvija Ganapati‘ is holding his japa beads and represents discipline. He is regarded to be born twice and is equivalent to Lord Bhramha. He is represented with four heads and four hands holding palm-leaf inscription, a staff, meditation beads, water pot, noose and goad.

☀️Siddhi Ganapati

He represents accomplishment and achievement. He is regarded to be the master of intellect and an embodiment of perfection.

Fond of the sesame cake. He has four arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the axe, the noose, the sugar-cane stem and the mango.

☀️Ucchhishta Ganapati

He is the Lord of blessings and offerings and he acts like the guardian of culture. He is also the lord of superiority . The Lord is sitting posture with Shakti Devi on His left thigh. He has 6 hands and the tusk is not curled. His hands hold the veena, a blue lotus, pomegranate, meditation beads and a stalk of paddy.

☀️Vighna Ganapati

The ten-handed Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and difficulties. He is related to Rohini Nakshatra.  He has eight arms and His weaponry to fight impediments is the noose, goad, axe, discus and a sharp tusk and the rest of the arms hold flower-tipped arrow, sugarcane and a modak.

☀️Kshipra Ganapati

He is the giver of knowledge and he believed to satisfy the devotees on his appearance immediately. He is considered to reward the wishes of his devotees instantaneously. He has four arms. He is red in colour. His hands show the single tusk, the elephant goad, the creeper of the votive tree (kalpalatâ), the noose. With the end of his trunk, he carries the stone cup full of precious stones (ratnakumbha).

. ☀️Heramba Ganapati

The five-faced Lord Ganesha rides on a mighty lion and protects the weak. He bestows blessings to all his devotees. And is also known as magnificent Protector of the weak. The Abhya Mudra depicted in his right hand bestows blessing and the main left hand grants wishes. On the other hands holds a noose, japa beads mala (Rudrashaka), a battle axe, a battle hammer, his broken tusk as a weapon, garland, a fruit and his favorite sweet Modaka.

☀️Lakshmi Ganapati

He is the giver of success and wealth and is believed to represent wisdom and achievement. He is sitting with Goddesses Buddhi and Siddhi. Embracing his wives Siddhi (Achievement) and Buddhi(Wisdom). He is white (fair) in colour. He has eight arms. His hands hold a pomegranate, a sword, the creeper of the votive tree, the elephant goad, the parrot, the noose, the jewel pot; his eighth hand bestows boons (varada).

☀️Maha Ganapati

The ten-handed God has a third eye on his fore head just like his father and he sits with Shakti on his left thigh. This the most common form of Ganesha.

. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the pomegranate, the club, the sugar-cane bow, the disc, the conch, the noose, the nocturnal lotus, the paddy ear, the jewels pot.

☀️Vijaya Ganapati

The four-handed God is riding his mouse and he bestows success and victory. His four arms bear a broken tusk, noose, goad and a ripe mango

☀️Nritya Ganapati

The four-handed god represents a dancer. He is standing under a Kalpavriksha and enjoying the activity. Dancing under the boon-tree, He has four arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose, the axe (parashu) or the hatchet (kuthâra).

☀️Urdhva Ganapati

In this pose, Lord Ganesha sits with one of his shaktis and is associated with Pooram Nakshatra. He has six arms holding single holds sprig of paddy, a lotus, a blue lily, a sugar cane bow, arrow and a mace.


☀️Ekakshara Ganapati

It literally means ‘single syllable’. He has a third eye and a crescent moon in his crown just like Lord Shiva.. The single syllable comes from the seed letter “Gam”, which is a pronominal sound of “OM”. He sits on yogic lotus posture on his vehicle Mooshika. With one hand he grants boons and the others hold pomegranate, elephant goad and noose.

☀️Tryakshara Ganapati

 Tryakshara Ganapati:Also known as Lord of the three letters (A-U-M). Lord has 3 eyes and 4 hands. He has big floppy ears with fly whisks and hands carries the broken tusk, goad, noose and mango and His trunk often seen grasps modaka.

☀️Varada Ganapati

He represents wisdom and is the giver of wishes and boons. He is also called Varadavinayaka. Ganapati had 3 eyes, crescent, crown and 4 arms. His hands hold the noose, goad and a pot of honey. He has Devi Shakthi on his side and encloses a pot of jewels in His trunk.

☀️Kshipra Prasada Ganapati

He presides over kush grass and is considered to be the quick rewarder of the wishes. He is also considered instant punisher of wrongdoings.

He has six arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the lotus, the creeper of the votive tree (kalpalatâ), the noose, the lemon.

☀️Haridra Ganapati :

is worshipped for wealth and well-being.He is also described to protect his devotees.

He has four arms. He is yellow in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the cake modaka

☀️Ekadanta Ganapati

‘Ekadanta‘ represents single tusk. His belly is larger than usual, which signifies that the entire universe exists within him.His hands hold broken tusk, Ladu, japa beads mala, and an axe to cut the bond of ignorance.

☀️Srishti Ganapati

He is the lord of ‘happy manifestation’ and his tusk represents selflessness and sacrifice. Riding a big rat, He is red in colour. He has four arms. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the mango.

☀️Uddanda Ganapati

He has ten hands and is the enforcer of laws of dharma (justice). This is a rare and an angry form of the elephant lord. 

He has twelve arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the club, the nocturnal lotus, the noose, the paddy ear, the elephant goad, the washing pot (kamandalu), the sugar-cane bow, the disc, the daylight lotus, the conch and the pomegranate. His trunk is placed on the top of the goddesse's breast or, sometimes, maintains a jewels pot (manikumbha).

☀️Rinamochana Ganapati

He liberates his devotees from the clasp of guilt and bondage. He gives moksha to people via spiritual studies. Ganapati seated on a large lotus with his Shakti. He removes the impediment. He has four arms. He is white in colour. His first hand show the movement to bestow boons (varada) ; the three others hold the elephant goad, the noose and the bowl of sugared rice 

☀️Dhundhi Ganapati

He holds a strand of Rudraksha beads in his hands and represents awakening. He helps his devotees in attaining moksha.He has four hands bearing the japa beads mala, broken tusk, a pot of precious gems and ax.

☀️Dvimukha Ganapati

He has two faces that see in all directions He is said to protect his devotees from demons. He holds in his hands his own tusk, a noose, a hook and a pot full of gems. His body complexion is greenish blue and he is wearing a red colored robe. A gem studded crown embellishes his head.

☀️Trimukha Ganapati

In this pose, the elephant god has three heads and sits on a lotus. While his right hand signifies protection, his left hand represents blessings.his  6 arms holding prayer beads, clasp a goad, noose and a pot of nectar. Posture depicts Abhaya mudra on His right hand and varada mudra on His left.

☀️Sinha Ganapati

He rides a lion and is white in colour. He symbolises fearlessness and strength and holds kalpavriksha in one of his hands.

He has eight arms. He is white in colour He is holding in his right hands a vîna (Indian lute), a creeper of votive tree - kalpavRukSha ( Tree which can cure all diseases), a discus and another held in a gesture of granting boons (varada). He is holding in his left hands a lotus, a pot of gems, a flower bunch and another held in a gesture of granting fearlessness (abahaya). He is lion faced with an elephant trunk and shining. His body is shining like a white conch and moon. He is wearing a gem studded shining robe

☀️Yoga Ganapati

He is absorbed in meditation and is related to Pururutathi Nakshatra. His hands hold a stalk of sugar cane, a staff, prayer beads and a noose.

It is believed that worshipping this form of the Lord will protect the devotee from all obstacles.

☀️Durga Ganapati

He is invincible and represents the victory over darkness. He is associated with Uthrattathi Nakshatra.

depicted with 8 arms holding a bow and arrow, goad and noose, prayer beads, a rose apple and his broken tusk.

☀️Sankatahara Ganapati

He sits in the varada mudra and is considered to be the ‘dispeller of sorrow’.

He has four arms. He is effulgent like the rising red sun (Red in Color). He has his wife (shakti) - who is carrying a beautiful lotus, glowing with radiance and bejeweled - sitting on his left lap. He is carrying in one of his right hand a hook (Ankusha) and with the other bestowing boon(varada). He is carrying in one of his left hand a rope(noose) and with the other a vessel brimming with sweet soup (Payasam). He is seated on a Red Lotus and wearing a blue robe.

Also read 8 incarnation of Ganapati:

#ganpatibappamorya #ganeshchaturthi2022 #ganeshchaturthi #Ganesh #thirtyTwoformofGanesh #ganeshavtar #incarnation

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