Friday, September 9, 2022

How to become more likable

 Who wouldn’t want to be more likable and have people think of them in a positive manner?

Being likable makes life significantly easier.

If we find ourself wishing people respond to us more warmly and openly, or with more #acceptance, there are many  things we can do to make ourself more #endearing.  Positive body language ,smiling face, #enthusiasm and be energetic ,good listening habit, eye contact, trustworthiness, good sense of humour, humbleness, #authenticity and habit of think and speak etc are few tips given by experts.

 How can I be more #likeable? When this question was asked to Gurudev , he explained  “ If you truly want to be liked by others, I would say one should remember these 5 things.

1. Don't judge others

First thing is stop judging people. Look back and see how often you are judging others.

2. Stop seeking attention and recognition

Second thing is, wanting attention and recognition will also stop you from being liked by others. You do what you want to do, don't expect recognition from others. Then you will be liked by people.

3. Showing one-upmanship in your dealing with others can be detrimental

Third thing is, don't brood over the past or dig the past and ask others for explanations. If you are pointing fingers at others and showing their mistakes again and again, then you won't be liked by others.

4. Honesty

Fourth thing is honesty, don't try to be goody-goody all the time. Be honest, be straight forward but not rude. That's a very delicate balance there.

5. Stop wanting to be liked

And the fifth thing is you stop wanting them to like you. You wanting others to recognise you is detrimental in your relationship with others. “

#GurudevSriSriRaviShankar #ArtofLiving #GurudevSriSri #Meditation #Knowledgeispower #yogicwisdom #gurudev #happiness #wisdom #aol #jaigurudev #SriSri #WisdomCookies #ConnectingHearts #Gurudev #judge #relationship #detrimental #honesty #balance #delicate #wants

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