Thursday, September 15, 2022

Science of karma

 “Each birth is an opportunity to analyse yourself carefully and in a detailed manner, and make the changes and decisions you think are best for you. Karma catches up so that, even not remembering the details about your past actions - or the actions of your past selves - you are still reminded of the context of your lessons and what your personal challenges are….The importance of experience, at Soul level, is not in the exact detail of exactly what happened, or what you did, but in the inner aspects of consciousness you hold within, create your reality, and for all effects and purposes, define who you are. This is, in a broad perspective, and ultimately, what is truly important”-Nuno Alves

When some one asked to Gurudev about it “Gurudev, I have done only good deeds in this current lifetime but still I am going through all those painful karmas of my previous lifetimes? Why should I suffer because of things I don't even remember? Is it really justified? Please clear this confusion of mine!”

 Gurudev #SriSriRavishnkar ji   replied  “Just understand, you cooked food in the morning. By afternoon, you had forgotten that you cooked the food and found the food very spicy. Then you can’t say, “Oh, I put spice in the morning, why is it spicy now?”

You ask this question only when you are in trouble. If you have invested your money and now it is giving you lot of benefit, you don’t ask, “Why is this happening. Why am I getting my money now?” You invested and the interest is coming now.

You sowed a mango seed and today it is giving you so many mangoes. You planted a coconut tree and it is giving you one coconut everyday now. You don’t ask why is it giving coconuts now? You planted some vegetables, and you will enjoy them when they grow. That time, why don’t you ask, “Why is God not in the present moment, and why is he giving me the beans I sowed three months back?”

Come on, wake up. Children are not born in one day. It takes nine months for a child to be formed. So time is part of this Universal phenomena. In fact, phenomenon cannot happen outside the dimension of time and space, and any phenomenon is karma.”


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Tuesday, September 13, 2022

How to overcome feeling of hurt

 Setbacks, separation, physical or sexual abuse, violence, losing a loved one, a sense of failure, realizing one’s shortcomings, financial losses—these can all leave behind deep scars that fester. At worst, not healing them can lead to a vicious cycle of violence or self-harm, or affect your mental health, relationships, and social connections, making it impossible to lead a normal life.

Gurudev says “It is not people who hurt you. It is your own foolishness, your own mind, your own vulnerability and your own emotions that entangle you, and make you feel hurt.”

How do you let go of past hurts and move on when you experience heartache or emotional pain? 

 Practical tools and time-tested spiritual wisdom offered by Gurudev  can help us to heal our wounds , or at least significantly loosen its grip over our hearts and minds. Holding on to the past can be a conscious decision but so also can moving forward be one.

👉 Accepting pain and hurt as part of love will free you from this unnecessary suffering. Ask yourself this question—who hurts you the most? The answer is likely to be parents, children, spouses, siblings, or close friends. Hurt is there wherever there is love—they go hand in hand.

👉If someone hurts you by their speech, it helps to take a step back and question their reaction. Gurudev offers a powerful tip to overcome hurt of this nature—analyze a negative quality with your head and praise from all your heart.

👉“We exaggerate problems,” Gurudev shares. “If a mistake has been made or there is some suffering, some misery, we blow it up beyond its dimensions. If a few people get sick in town, we say, ‘everyone in town is sick. Everyone is always sick here.’

👉 Expectations—whether met or unmet—lead to more expectations, making you prone to hurting all the time.

👉There are two major things that you feel when you are hurt – lack of communication and lack of understanding. Another reason to feel hurt, if you want to count it, is being oversensitive to irrelevant or ephemeral things. Events are all ephemeral – they are all moving and impermanent. Everything is changing. You don’t need to become oversensitive, “Oh, he said this thing to me, she said this thing to me!”

Now, if someone is trying to physically hurt you, you just be careful and equip yourself. I am not saying that if someone comes to hurt you, you fall at their feet. No, you have to be intelligent and protect yourself.


👉My dear, wake up and see, is there an intention in them to hurt you? You need to see things from the other side as well.

👉If someone has scolded you or used harsh words that have hurt you, and they have done it with a very good intention, then you can only thank them. 

👉If someone has hurt you intentionally, you should know that they are sick. 

Someone who has hurt you is pained. They have scars and are unhappy. They can only share what they have. They are hurt and they are sharing the hurt with you. You think they are doing it purposely, but, in fact it is because they do not have happiness inside them. They are wounded. What is required for a wounded person? Compassion. You have to be compassionate to those who hurt you, because they are hurt and wounded themselves. 

👉Those who are causing hurt to you are ignorant. They don’t know that their actions are hurting others. They are ignorant and arrogant. You can only feel sorry for them and hope that someday they will become intelligent. Wish for them to be more sensitive.

👉 The hurtful memories do not go away easily because we tend to revisit them again and again, without much awareness. You justify your anger and resentment and tend to impose the emotions you experienced back then, to a current life situation as well. This makes it difficult to break the loop of anger. The past is like a dream. And once you have turned that corner, you have the free will to not relive the past again and again.

👉 Without holding onto whose mistake it was, see a mistake as just a mistake. This will help you culture a mind that is non-complaining and pleasant.

When you see a mistake as theirs, you place blame on someone and get angry at them. When you see a mistake as yours, you dive into guilt and self-flagellation. Just like you would like to be forgiven when you hurt someone, similarly—to save your mind—you can practice forgiving others who hurt you. This exercise allows you to retain peace of mind.

👉It is just karma. You had to get this hurt and if not this person then someone else would have given it to you. We must have caused some hurt to someone in the past and Nature is bringing it back to us now. When you know that it's just karma being repaid, you feel settled. 

👉 The beautiful sutra from the shiva sutras (a text of profound knowledge said to be shared by Lord Shiva, a Hindu deity, with his cohort Goddess Parvati) describes the whole world as a drama; the situations that happen in your life are nothing more than the scenes of a play. Wake up and see that all the relationships, all the people in your life, are there for a specific period of time and that the only thing that is going to last forever is your eternal self. Expanding your awareness and looking at life from a broader perspective will bring you out of pain.

👉It is being done to make you strong. Nature is bringing this to you so that you become strong, so that you discover strength and power within If someone has hurt you intentionally, you should know that they are sick. 

Wake up and see that there is none other than the One, and the One comes to you in many forms. It is all for your growth, well-being, and happiness. The universe is so loving, and compassionate towards you. If you can keep this wisdom in your

heart, nobody can hurt you.

👉 Once you start meditating, you will be able to witness all the pain and anger dissolve away. Meditation brings clarity of perception and expanded awareness. When we are in a balanced state of mind, we are able to see beyond others’ words and actions without getting caught up in them.

👉 Forgiveness and compassion, combined with the present moment, are the superpowers you already have inside to help you heal the hurt.

Jai gurudev

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Friday, September 9, 2022

How to become more likable

 Who wouldn’t want to be more likable and have people think of them in a positive manner?

Being likable makes life significantly easier.

If we find ourself wishing people respond to us more warmly and openly, or with more #acceptance, there are many  things we can do to make ourself more #endearing.  Positive body language ,smiling face, #enthusiasm and be energetic ,good listening habit, eye contact, trustworthiness, good sense of humour, humbleness, #authenticity and habit of think and speak etc are few tips given by experts.

 How can I be more #likeable? When this question was asked to Gurudev , he explained  “ If you truly want to be liked by others, I would say one should remember these 5 things.

1. Don't judge others

First thing is stop judging people. Look back and see how often you are judging others.

2. Stop seeking attention and recognition

Second thing is, wanting attention and recognition will also stop you from being liked by others. You do what you want to do, don't expect recognition from others. Then you will be liked by people.

3. Showing one-upmanship in your dealing with others can be detrimental

Third thing is, don't brood over the past or dig the past and ask others for explanations. If you are pointing fingers at others and showing their mistakes again and again, then you won't be liked by others.

4. Honesty

Fourth thing is honesty, don't try to be goody-goody all the time. Be honest, be straight forward but not rude. That's a very delicate balance there.

5. Stop wanting to be liked

And the fifth thing is you stop wanting them to like you. You wanting others to recognise you is detrimental in your relationship with others. “

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Thursday, September 8, 2022

Significance OF Onam festival

 “Onam -a Festival of sacrificing the ego for the sake of the nation;”..SriSri

Onam is the harvest festival of Kerala, signifying abundance, prosperity, spirit of goodness and happiness.Traditionally, it is a cultural festival celebrated by Malayalis whose date is based on the panchangam and falls on the 22nd nakshatra Thiruvonam (Shravan) in the month Chingam of Malayalam calendar, which in Gregorian calendar overlaps with August–September.According to legends, the festival is celebrated to commemorate the homecoming of king Mahabali's spirit from underworld to Kerala

☀️Social significance 

Like all other traditional festivals, the promotion of goodwill and social cohesion is the aim of celebrating Onam. It is celebrated as a secular event by people of all religious beliefs. Government and non-government organizations take this as an opportunity to foster communal harmony, peace and ecological sensitivity among the people. The most significant fact of this festival is that it is celebrated in commemoration of a glorious past when there prevailed an ideal state of prosperity and peace.

☀️Spiritual significance:

*This day is the sacred day when the Lord as Vamana Avatar conferred liberation on Emperor Bali. Bali was a great person, but he had one weakness. He suffered from a slight sense of ego. … Vamana incarnated to eradicate the undesirable quality of ego in Emperor Bali. He was arrogant because he owned all the expanse that he could see on land and was considered invincible. 

Knowledge and humility help one transcend the ego which can grow as huge as this earth and sky. Just like Vamana, ego can be conquered in three simple steps. 

👉Step 1: Measure the earth - Look around and be humbled by the sheer number of other living beings like you on this earth.

👉Step 2: Measure the skies – Look up into the sky and be humbled by the sheer vastness and the multitude of other worlds in the cosmos and how insignificantly small we are in this cosmos.

👉Step 3: Place your hand on your head – Realize that in the cycle of births and deaths not only of living beings but the cosmos itself, the time span of each of our lives is very small and the role we play in the larger picture of the order of the cosmos, is even smaller.

In words of Sri Sathya Sai 

“Emperor Bali, who is welcomed into their hearts and home by the people of Kerala on Onam Day, had unwavering faith in God. He served his subjects as if he was commissioned by God (Narayana). He offered all he earned, all he was, and himself, most gladly, to God. He overcame the clouds of ignorance and rose to the heights of supreme wisdom. His self expanded so vastly that it merged in Divine Consciousness. Purity leads to Unity and Unity to mergence with Divinity. This is the Message that the Onam festival and the story of Bali conveys to mankind”….

*☀️Significance of the Shravan( Thiruvonam )month:

This month is called Shravan since the full moon during this month occurs against the Shravana star. 

The star Shravana is the set of stars known in western astronomy as Altair, the bright star in the Aquila constellation along with Beta and Gamma Aquilae that flank it on either side.

These three stars are pictured as the three footprints of Vamana in his gigantic Trivikrama form. Are you wondering, what does the legend of Maha Bali and Vamana, have to do with the name Shravana for this star? 

The word Shravana means to listen, to pay heed to. The three stars which depict the outcome of Maha Bali’s disobedience ( to his guru Shukracharya) stand as a constant reminder in the sky to caution people to listen and pay heed to good counsel. 

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*an article of

Saturday, September 3, 2022

Significance of 32 forms of lord Ganesh

 Ganesha-centric scriptures describe  the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha. The first 16 forms of Ganesha are known by the name “Shodasa Ganapati” and the later ones are known as “Ekavimsathi”.

Among them, the thirteenth, viz. Mahāgaṇapati, is especially widely worshipped. There is a tāntrik sect which is devoted to this form. Śakti-gaṇapati, Ucchishṭa-gaṇapati and Lakshmī-gaṇapati are also tāntrik forms, which receive worship which is cultic and esoteric. Heraṃba-gaṇapati is popular in Nepāl.

 Let us have a look at all the 32 forms of Lord Ganesha

☀️Taruna Ganpati

The eight-armed ‘Taruna Ganapati‘ represents youth, progressiveness and compassion. His complexion is bright as the sun and he represents youth blossoming in all living beings. he blesses his devotee with young and beautiful looks. He is depicted as bearing a goad and noose, green paddy, a sugarcane stalk, rose apple and wood apple in His eight hands, which symbolize fertility.

☀️Bala Ganpati

Bala Ganesha is like a child. He represents the element of Earth and signifies earth’s abundance and fertility.The idol of Bala Ganapathi is elephant faced and has four hands holding the fruits of the Earth – Mango, Jackfruit, Banana and Sugarcane in his four hands. His trunk garners His favorite sweet; the modaka. He is believed to save the devotees from sin.

☀️Bhakti Ganpati

His appearance is pleasant and calm to look at. He protects his devotees from all danger. He represents the element water and his worship is believed to help in relaxing mind and in controlling temper.

He is portrayed to have four arms holding coconut, Mango, Banana and sweet made of Jaggery (Cup of Payasam).

☀️Veera Ganpati

Veera Ganpati represents a warrior. His 16 arms hold powerful weapons like a shield, a spear, a goad, a trident, a hammer and a battle axe among other things.

☀️Shakti Ganpati

He represents shakti or power. He is sitting in the ‘Abhaya mudra‘ and he is embracing Shakti Devi. He represents the element Aakash or space.

☀️Dvija Ganapati

The four-headed ‘Dvija Ganapati‘ is holding his japa beads and represents discipline. He is regarded to be born twice and is equivalent to Lord Bhramha. He is represented with four heads and four hands holding palm-leaf inscription, a staff, meditation beads, water pot, noose and goad.

☀️Siddhi Ganapati

He represents accomplishment and achievement. He is regarded to be the master of intellect and an embodiment of perfection.

Fond of the sesame cake. He has four arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the axe, the noose, the sugar-cane stem and the mango.

☀️Ucchhishta Ganapati

He is the Lord of blessings and offerings and he acts like the guardian of culture. He is also the lord of superiority . The Lord is sitting posture with Shakti Devi on His left thigh. He has 6 hands and the tusk is not curled. His hands hold the veena, a blue lotus, pomegranate, meditation beads and a stalk of paddy.

☀️Vighna Ganapati

The ten-handed Lord Ganesha is the remover of obstacles and difficulties. He is related to Rohini Nakshatra.  He has eight arms and His weaponry to fight impediments is the noose, goad, axe, discus and a sharp tusk and the rest of the arms hold flower-tipped arrow, sugarcane and a modak.

☀️Kshipra Ganapati

He is the giver of knowledge and he believed to satisfy the devotees on his appearance immediately. He is considered to reward the wishes of his devotees instantaneously. He has four arms. He is red in colour. His hands show the single tusk, the elephant goad, the creeper of the votive tree (kalpalatâ), the noose. With the end of his trunk, he carries the stone cup full of precious stones (ratnakumbha).

. ☀️Heramba Ganapati

The five-faced Lord Ganesha rides on a mighty lion and protects the weak. He bestows blessings to all his devotees. And is also known as magnificent Protector of the weak. The Abhya Mudra depicted in his right hand bestows blessing and the main left hand grants wishes. On the other hands holds a noose, japa beads mala (Rudrashaka), a battle axe, a battle hammer, his broken tusk as a weapon, garland, a fruit and his favorite sweet Modaka.

☀️Lakshmi Ganapati

He is the giver of success and wealth and is believed to represent wisdom and achievement. He is sitting with Goddesses Buddhi and Siddhi. Embracing his wives Siddhi (Achievement) and Buddhi(Wisdom). He is white (fair) in colour. He has eight arms. His hands hold a pomegranate, a sword, the creeper of the votive tree, the elephant goad, the parrot, the noose, the jewel pot; his eighth hand bestows boons (varada).

☀️Maha Ganapati

The ten-handed God has a third eye on his fore head just like his father and he sits with Shakti on his left thigh. This the most common form of Ganesha.

. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the pomegranate, the club, the sugar-cane bow, the disc, the conch, the noose, the nocturnal lotus, the paddy ear, the jewels pot.

☀️Vijaya Ganapati

The four-handed God is riding his mouse and he bestows success and victory. His four arms bear a broken tusk, noose, goad and a ripe mango

☀️Nritya Ganapati

The four-handed god represents a dancer. He is standing under a Kalpavriksha and enjoying the activity. Dancing under the boon-tree, He has four arms. He is golden in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose, the axe (parashu) or the hatchet (kuthâra).

☀️Urdhva Ganapati

In this pose, Lord Ganesha sits with one of his shaktis and is associated with Pooram Nakshatra. He has six arms holding single holds sprig of paddy, a lotus, a blue lily, a sugar cane bow, arrow and a mace.


☀️Ekakshara Ganapati

It literally means ‘single syllable’. He has a third eye and a crescent moon in his crown just like Lord Shiva.. The single syllable comes from the seed letter “Gam”, which is a pronominal sound of “OM”. He sits on yogic lotus posture on his vehicle Mooshika. With one hand he grants boons and the others hold pomegranate, elephant goad and noose.

☀️Tryakshara Ganapati

 Tryakshara Ganapati:Also known as Lord of the three letters (A-U-M). Lord has 3 eyes and 4 hands. He has big floppy ears with fly whisks and hands carries the broken tusk, goad, noose and mango and His trunk often seen grasps modaka.

☀️Varada Ganapati

He represents wisdom and is the giver of wishes and boons. He is also called Varadavinayaka. Ganapati had 3 eyes, crescent, crown and 4 arms. His hands hold the noose, goad and a pot of honey. He has Devi Shakthi on his side and encloses a pot of jewels in His trunk.

☀️Kshipra Prasada Ganapati

He presides over kush grass and is considered to be the quick rewarder of the wishes. He is also considered instant punisher of wrongdoings.

He has six arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the lotus, the creeper of the votive tree (kalpalatâ), the noose, the lemon.

☀️Haridra Ganapati :

is worshipped for wealth and well-being.He is also described to protect his devotees.

He has four arms. He is yellow in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the cake modaka

☀️Ekadanta Ganapati

‘Ekadanta‘ represents single tusk. His belly is larger than usual, which signifies that the entire universe exists within him.His hands hold broken tusk, Ladu, japa beads mala, and an axe to cut the bond of ignorance.

☀️Srishti Ganapati

He is the lord of ‘happy manifestation’ and his tusk represents selflessness and sacrifice. Riding a big rat, He is red in colour. He has four arms. His hands hold the single tusk, the elephant goad, the noose and the mango.

☀️Uddanda Ganapati

He has ten hands and is the enforcer of laws of dharma (justice). This is a rare and an angry form of the elephant lord. 

He has twelve arms. He is red in colour. His hands hold the single tusk, the club, the nocturnal lotus, the noose, the paddy ear, the elephant goad, the washing pot (kamandalu), the sugar-cane bow, the disc, the daylight lotus, the conch and the pomegranate. His trunk is placed on the top of the goddesse's breast or, sometimes, maintains a jewels pot (manikumbha).

☀️Rinamochana Ganapati

He liberates his devotees from the clasp of guilt and bondage. He gives moksha to people via spiritual studies. Ganapati seated on a large lotus with his Shakti. He removes the impediment. He has four arms. He is white in colour. His first hand show the movement to bestow boons (varada) ; the three others hold the elephant goad, the noose and the bowl of sugared rice 

☀️Dhundhi Ganapati

He holds a strand of Rudraksha beads in his hands and represents awakening. He helps his devotees in attaining moksha.He has four hands bearing the japa beads mala, broken tusk, a pot of precious gems and ax.

☀️Dvimukha Ganapati

He has two faces that see in all directions He is said to protect his devotees from demons. He holds in his hands his own tusk, a noose, a hook and a pot full of gems. His body complexion is greenish blue and he is wearing a red colored robe. A gem studded crown embellishes his head.

☀️Trimukha Ganapati

In this pose, the elephant god has three heads and sits on a lotus. While his right hand signifies protection, his left hand represents blessings.his  6 arms holding prayer beads, clasp a goad, noose and a pot of nectar. Posture depicts Abhaya mudra on His right hand and varada mudra on His left.

☀️Sinha Ganapati

He rides a lion and is white in colour. He symbolises fearlessness and strength and holds kalpavriksha in one of his hands.

He has eight arms. He is white in colour He is holding in his right hands a vîna (Indian lute), a creeper of votive tree - kalpavRukSha ( Tree which can cure all diseases), a discus and another held in a gesture of granting boons (varada). He is holding in his left hands a lotus, a pot of gems, a flower bunch and another held in a gesture of granting fearlessness (abahaya). He is lion faced with an elephant trunk and shining. His body is shining like a white conch and moon. He is wearing a gem studded shining robe

☀️Yoga Ganapati

He is absorbed in meditation and is related to Pururutathi Nakshatra. His hands hold a stalk of sugar cane, a staff, prayer beads and a noose.

It is believed that worshipping this form of the Lord will protect the devotee from all obstacles.

☀️Durga Ganapati

He is invincible and represents the victory over darkness. He is associated with Uthrattathi Nakshatra.

depicted with 8 arms holding a bow and arrow, goad and noose, prayer beads, a rose apple and his broken tusk.

☀️Sankatahara Ganapati

He sits in the varada mudra and is considered to be the ‘dispeller of sorrow’.

He has four arms. He is effulgent like the rising red sun (Red in Color). He has his wife (shakti) - who is carrying a beautiful lotus, glowing with radiance and bejeweled - sitting on his left lap. He is carrying in one of his right hand a hook (Ankusha) and with the other bestowing boon(varada). He is carrying in one of his left hand a rope(noose) and with the other a vessel brimming with sweet soup (Payasam). He is seated on a Red Lotus and wearing a blue robe.

Also read 8 incarnation of Ganapati:

#ganpatibappamorya #ganeshchaturthi2022 #ganeshchaturthi #Ganesh #thirtyTwoformofGanesh #ganeshavtar #incarnation

Thursday, September 1, 2022

Mystical facts of Ganesha’s Story

 Why should Parvati have dirt on her body?

Parvati is symbolic of festive energy. Her becoming dirty signifies that celebration can easily become Rajasik or feverish, and can take you away from your center. Dirt is symbolic of ignorance, and Shiva is symbolic of innocence, peace, and knowledge.

Was Shiva, the epitome of peace, so short-tempered that he cut off the head of his own son? 

When Ganesha obstructs the path of Shiva, this means that ignorance, which is an attribute of the head, does not recognize knowledge. Then knowledge has to overcome ignorance. This is the symbolism behind Shiva chopping off the boy's head.

Why does Lord Ganesha have ahead of an Elephant?

The elephant is endowed with unusual qualities, like its fearless and its royal walk. It proudly destroys any obstacle on its path. An elephant is also a symbol of authority, endurance, strength, and courage. So, to symbolize these qualities of the Divine, Lord Ganesha is depicted in the form of an elephant. And when we worship Lord Ganesha, we are able to imbibe all these qualities into our consciousness.

The elephant is the only being that can perform all its functions with its trunk. It smells, eats, drinks bathes, and works with its trunk. The trunk is symbolic of the perfect balance between Gyaan Shakti (knowledge) and Karma Shakti (action).  

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