Friday, September 16, 2016

NASA approved Non toxic Indoor plants

 It’s well-known that having plants in  home and work place  is good for our health and happiness. 
Spending time in nature is interrelated to reduced stress levels and tension relief.  In  2008 , Dutch researchers found that hospital patients with indoor plants in their rooms had lower stress levels than patients without them. Placing live plants in our home and office helps to balance the flow of energy.  It is also well known fact that there must be  healthy balance  between dampness and dryness of our living space. Dampness can create mold and other organisms that effect the lungs. Dryness, on the other hand, damage our mucus membranes, thus cause respiratory problems. Either extreme  could also affect our health badly and that is why it is important to maintain proper humidity in your house.
Plant-filled homes feel different not only because of what the plants are emitting, but also what they are consuming. Many house plants absorb the chemical pollutants that pervade modern homes and may cause health problems like  eczema, sore throats , asthma and even cancer too. Now days  our  home is a minefield of chemical pollution. Carpets, furniture, insulation, paint,toilet cleaner, even detergent  can emit poisonous gases.
Formaldehyde is released from   synthetic carpets, particleboard (used to make bookcases, desks, and tables), foam insulation, upholstery, curtains, and air fresheners. According to a reserch, when it's presence increases at levels above 0.1 parts per million parts of air, it could cause burning sensations in the eyes, nose, and throat, nausea, coughing, and even skin rashes. Xylene, benzene, and carbon monoxide can also cause a similar harms.

Some houseplants are easy to take care and effective at increasing oxygen and clearing out toxins for cleaner breathing air, they  have the *NASA stamp of approval too. And some of them could be use as  home remedy also.
 So give  your balcony or free space  a little dose of zen with these beautiful nontoxic plants which are safe for you pets and kids .

Banana( (Miusa Oriana) :  

This auspicious powerful plant tackles formaldehyde, which can be a byproduct of chemical-based cleaners, paints and more. It's sap is used to tan the cloths.

 Banana leaf is full of antioxidants and eating hot, freshly cooked foods on the banana leaf is one good way to get all the antioxidants easily.Applying extract of banana leaves  enhance beauty, treat skin irritations, wounds, inflammation,  neutralize toxins. it is a very good home remedy of sting or bite of poisonous insects such spider and bee. An expensive active ingredient of Cosmetic creams and lotions called,
Allantoin is found in plant leaves. it helps rapid healing, kills germs and stimulates new skin cell growth. 

Fresh banana peel are useful to cure cracks on the heels, as well as burns, bruises, abscesses  by placing the inner surface of the peel to the affected area. Long-term use of this method helps to cope with warts. . Frozen extract of banana peel helps to get rid of  freckles, dark spots, skin peeling.

Aloe (Aloe vera)

This easy-to-grow, sun-loving succulent  filters  formaldehyde and benzene out of  environment,  It is very good home remedy of burn, cuts and skin rashes. So some times its  called" First aid" plant too. The  gel of the leaf contain at least 75 nutrients, 20 minerals, 12 vitamins, 18 amino acids, and 200 active enzymes make it a power healer.

Kimberley Queen Fern(Nephrolepis obliterata )

  This shade loving dark green fern is perfect for adding tropical texture to shaded decks, patios, and other outdoor living areas. It is a great indoor plant since it doesn’t shed thus leave no mess and also helps to  clear formaldehyde, xylene, and toluene from environment.

Moth Orchid

Moth Orchids, or Phalanopsis, grows best in a warm environment. 

These are beautiful add-on to the home and they battles xylene and toluene from air. 
Orchids are usually planted in bark and require indirect sunlight. but it requires good light levels in winter, essential to encourage flowering. we have to move it  to a shadier spot in summer to protect from direct sunshine.

Bamboo palm/Areca  palm(Chamaedorea sefritzii)/Dypsis lutescens

It is also Known as Butterfly palm or golden cane palm is the most popular indoor plant ,was awarded  for Garden Merit by the Royal Horticultural Society .
 The areca palm fight with  xylene and toluene from the environment. Reserchers have found  that, at 1.8 m (5 ft 11 in) in height, the plant will transpire 1 liter of water per 24 hours, thereby making it an effective humidifier.   Bamboo palms should  be kept  in the same place, as they will drop their leaves after being moved.

Spider plant (Chlorophytum comosum)

Some time it is also called airplane plantSt. Bernard's lilyspider ivyribbon plant known for its rich leafage , tiny white flowers , and tackling against benzene, formaldehyde, carbon monoxide and xylene, a solvent used in the leather, rubber and printing industries. It is very easy to grow and could be used as an  hanging ornamental plant.

Gerbera daisy (Gerbera jamesonii)

Benefits of Gerbera  not just include ornamental but also non-floral ornamental use. If some one is suffering from sleep apnoea or breathing disorders,  Gerbera daisies are best option for him since  it continue releasing oxygen all through the night to help us breath and sleep better. This bright, flowering plant is effective at removing trichloroethylene, . It’s also good for sweeping away the benzene so we could add  it to our  laundry room too.

Gerbera is also used to prepare natural colors and add flavor to a variety of dishes. Its  extracts are used in many beauty products, nail paints and lipstick shades and Perfumes too..

Rhapis excelsa

Rhapis excelsa also called Broad leaf Lady Palm or "The Lady Palm" is a species of fan palm.  since It require  low light and humidity so it is a good choice for malls and offices. Palm battles against xylene and toluene, ammonia, formaldehyde.

 Incorporating oxygen producing plants is a way to imitate the healthy lifestyle , but the biggest benefit  is the  improvement in air quality ..University of Michigan study found being around plants helps improve concentration and productivity and can even improve our memory grasping power up to 20 percent. 
But some extra gain is going to be the therapeutic effect of having more greenery around us. The color green has a soothing, healing quality and known as the chief color in nature, people have a natural penchant to feel the tranquility in settings that contain this color. It could be one of the good ways to deal with anxiety. ..

If you are plant lover like me  below mentioned links could be informative for you:

Improve-your-luck-through-tree plantation
Interesting Fact about Basil


**The NASA Clean Air Study[1] has been led by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) in association with the Associated Landscape Contractors of America (ALCA). Its results suggest that certain common indoor plants may provide a natural way of removing toxic agents such as benzene, formaldehyde and trichloroethylene from the air, helping neutralize the effects of sick building syndrome

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