Friday, September 16, 2016

Importance of Peepal Tree

In my daily life and astrological study, I’ve came across some Beneficial and Auspicious TREES AND PLANTS that had a lot of significance for human. Even, I have planted some of these sacred trees and worship them.  Peepal (Ficus religiosa )also known as Bodhi tree is one of them.

The Peepal tree is considered sacred by the followers of Hinduism, Jainism and Buddhism. In the Bhagavad Gita, Krishna says, "I am the Peepal tree among the trees, Narada among the sages, Chitraaratha among the Gandharvas, And sage Kapila among the Siddhas." Gautama Buddha attained enlightenment (bodhi) while meditating underneath a Bodhi tree.

Medicinal  Use:

With the increasing awareness about the dangers of chemical based medicine and their side effects , people are inclined towards  natural treatment options due to the fact that  risks are usually minimal.
The useful parts of the plant include the bark and the leaves  which contain most of the essential oils . These oils are highly useful in the treatment of a several ailments . It has anti aging property.
Constipation, for instance, can be easily treated with the help of Peepal tree leaves by balancing simply drying and powdering the leaf  adding equal parts of anise seeds and jaggery . Take  one spoon of the mixture with one glass of water.
Dysentery : Prepare the paste of  peepal leaves,coriander and sugar ,it  should be taken slowly over the whole day until  you feel comfort . We could prepare the tea of peepal leaves and have it .this remedy is very beneficiary in jaundice too.

Skin ailments( boils, bumps and inflammations ):  Smearing the leaf with clarified butter and heat slowly over a low flame then this leaf should  be wrapped around the affected area with the help of bandage. This remedy is also helpful when we have to deal with mumps .
Ear infections: Hold the leaves near a flame to collect the juice as it drips and  once the extract is cool down then put  it into the ear.

Snake bite:  When I was small my grand mother used to tell that in her village , a person used to treat snake bite through Peepal branch along with leaf.  He used to put these in both ears and hold the branches  tightly . Patient started cry as it pull the venom.when all poison was sucked by the branches it stop working.  few people say giving the 2 -3 spoon sap of Peepal leaf  is the effective first aid of snake bite and could be the life savoir.
Tulsi or holi Basil could also be used as first aid of snake bite. Interesting fact about Basil article contain detail about it.

Reproductive system ailment : Deceases like likoria , low sperm count could also be treated just by having the extract of Peepal leaves.The powder of its fruit is also very useful to make the organ healthy.

Astrological benefits
Astrologically Peepal tree correspond to the  8th birth star (nakshatra) Pushya  and  planet Jupiter.  It is said that one should sit to meditate below the governing tree of ones nakshatra as it helps to calm down the mind . Plantation of that tree ward off the evil effect planets in the  birth chart  and helps the person to improve his prosperity..
 The Peepal tree is believed to be Lord Vishnu  abode too.The greatness of the worship of this tree lies in the fact that whosoever worships the Peepal tree gets the reward of worshipping Lord Vishnu.
Peepal tree worship alone is so much powerful to overcome all planetary afflictions. So, plantation of  Peepal tree is one of the greatest and most simple remedy,
Plantation of Bodhi tree(peepal) is known to provide the following results:
•Bring stability in thoughts and actions
•Logical thinking, luck, fortune and intelligence.
•Marriage (removes obstacles in marriage)
•Children (as it is the significator for children)
•Great for Religious/charitable bent in life
•Uninterrupted flow of income & even multiple sources of income.
•Good health
 Forefather’s Debts ( Ptri dosh): It is also advisable to  plant and water a peepal tree regularly
 Saturn Sade sati: While someone is undergoing Saturn Sade sati, it is also advisable to plant and water peepal  and light a mustard oil lamp under it on every Saturday evening.

For more information kindly  check Improve your luck through tree plantation

Scientific Fact

 *Few people are skeptic if  Peepal  emits oxygen at night time too. In scientific term It is possible through  CAM process..CAM occurs primarily in desert plants and epiphytes (plants that live on other plants, generally on  large trees). CAM plants do not open their stomata during the day in order to minimize water loss. During the night, they open their stomata and fix CO{-2} in the form of malate .  So, Peepal tree would either release or not release CO{-2} in the night depending on if they are epiphytic or not. For other CAM plants, it would depend on if they have enough water or not, or other climatic factors..

*    Its leaves absorb moisture from the atmosphere and regulates the hydrological cycle. 
*   It releases large quantity of Isoprene (volatile organic compound) which protect the ozone layer.

* The sap of the tree contains an enzyme that can increase child bearing capacity.

* Since It  releases more oxygen than that other trees we could find Peepal tree  in most of the temples and in olden days the tree used to be in the center of the village so the atmosphere will be clean.

 Our body detoxify itself ,  70% through breathing, 20% through perspiration, 8% through urination and 2% through the bowels. It give us the clear idea about the importance of having clean air in our society!  The ratio of oxygen to other elements in the Earth's atmosphere has been dropping over several decades. Maximum health issues are due to  polluted air and the reduction of  greenery  .  Highest polluted areas , such as cities, have a lower percentage of oxygen along with highest level of toxic gases  in the air. Hoping  this bitter truth will  help  to illustrate the value of bringing both oxygen producing plants along with  air cleaning foliage in our society for healthy life.
 So encourage all to initiate this practice and  thus helping our society to return to the positive  healthy era :)

Wikipedia ,internet


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