Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Interesting fact about Basil

Basil known as Tulsi( Holy Basil)  in India is considered most auspicious plant in all over world.

 Basil derives its name from Greek word βασιλικόν φυτόν (basilikón phutón), "royal/kingly plant", . Basil is even today considered as king of all herbs. In ancient time Basil was used in purification during the crowning ceremonies of the King.   In Sanskrit," Tulanaa naasti athaiva Tulsi" - that which is incomparable (in its qualities) is the Tulsi. This is because of its physical and spiritually healing properties, as author Stephen P. Huyler summarizes, "Aside from its religious merits, Tulsi has been praised in Indian scriptures and lore since the time of the early Vedas as an herb that cures blood and skin diseases. Ancient treatises extol it as an antidote for poisons, a curative for kidney disease and arthritis, a preventative for mosquito and insect bites, and a purifier of polluted air. Generally prepared in medicinal teas and poultices, Tulsi's widespread contemporary use in India as an aid to internal and external organs suggests these traditions are based upon practical efficacy."

This annual herb/shrub belongs to the mint family.  . The plant has numerous small leaves and purple flowers which grow on hairy stems. There is a red variety( Shyam tulsi) and a green ( Ram tulsi). The red has a much stronger aroma.
Religious Fact about Basil

“Those who worship auspicious Tulsi daily by nine processes – namely seeing, touching, meditating, glorifying, offering obeisance , praising, planting, serving and worshiping her -  live in the Lord’s house for ten billion yugas.” Bhakti Rasamrta-sindhu, quoting from Skanda Purana

For Hindus, it is one of the most sacred plants. In fact it is known to be the only thing used in worship which, once used, can be washed and reused in pooja - as it is considered as self-purifying...

The presence of Tulsi plant symbolizes the religious bent of a Hindu family. A Hindu household is considered incomplete without Tulsi plant . Many families have   built a structure to plant Tulsi, which depicts images of deities  on all four sides, and an alcove for a small earthen oil lamp known as  Tulsi ka Chowra. Some people even plant up to a dozen tulsi plants in the flower bed or in the garden forming a "tulsi-van" or "Tulsi vrindavan" - a miniature basil forest.  In the present day apartments , many maintain a potted Tulsi plant. It is considered very auspicious to light a lamp, watering ,to worship and circumambulate(pradakśina )the Tulsi plant. The stem, leaves, seeds, and even the soil, which provides it a base are considered holy. A Tulsi leaf is always placed in the food offered to the Lord. It is also offered to the Lord during poojas especially to Lord Vishnu and his incarnations.

As one story goes, Tulsi was the devoted wife of a demon. She believed that Lord Vishnu tricked her into sinning. So she cursed him to become a stone known as Shaaligraama. Seeing her devotion  to righteousness, the Lord blessed her to become a sacred plant, Tulsi that would adorn his head and would be worshiped by all.
Tulsi is  also symbolizes Goddess Lakshmi, the queen of Lord Vishnu. Those who wish to be righteous and have a prosperous family worship the Tulsi.
Satyabhama once weighed Lord Krishna against all her wealth to get  him back  from sage Narad. The scales could not  get balanced till a single Tulsi leaf was placed along with the wealth on the scale by Rukmini with devotion.
 Kartik month  is called the month of devi Tulsi. Plantation of it is considered very auspicious in this month.
In the month of Kartik ,On the 11th day of the waxing moon ,it is said that lord Vishnu rises after his four-month sleep , he fulfill his promise to protect the earth by  marrying the earth-goddes Tulsi. Lord Vishnu is represented either by an idol or a Shaligrama stone or a cane of sugar. This Tulsi-vivaha marks the beginning of the Hindu marriage season in north India....Somehow, Basil  has connections with marriage in several parts of the world .

  •  In Mediterranean , a basil plant displayed in the window means  that a girl of marriageable age lives in the household.
  • In Italy  basil is a symbol of love, while a man accepting a sprig of basil from a young woman is considered officially engaged to this woman.. 
  • According to African legend , basil protects against scorpions.
  • It is believed that the herb was found growing on the original cross of Christ when it was discovered by the Empress Helena, and hence basil has religious significance in the Greek Orthodox Church, where it is used to prepare holy water.
  • The Bulgarian Orthodox Church, Serbian Orthodox Church, Macedonian Orthodox Church, and Romanian Orthodox Church  also use basil to prepare holy water and pots of basil are often placed below church altars
  • In Europe, basil is placed in the hands of the dead to ensure a safe journey.
  • The ancient Egyptians and ancient Greeks believed it would open the gates of heaven for a person passing on..
  • In India  at the death time, Tulsi leaves are put in the mouth of the person,along with holy Ganga's water. it is believed that it reduces the physical sufferings and give peace to the person.
Medicinal fact 

While Hindu mythology is full of   various stories about this sacred plant, Tulsi holds a special place in Ayurved as its medicinal uses are phenomenal. it is also known as the 'The Queen of Herbs'
When British came to India, they were plagued by mosquito menace and hence planted Tulsi and Neem all around their bungalows. They called tulsi or holy basil, Mosquito Plant.
Basil leaves are rich in Vitamin A and Vitamin K,Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, Folate, Niacin and Vitamin E. They are also good source of Manganese, Calcium, iron, copper, potassium, zinc and magnesium. Dried Basil leaves are rich in dietary fibers, around 25% by weight.
Basil contains bioactive chemicals – flavonoids which have antioxidant properties. Orientin and vicenin are two water-soluble flavonoids present in Basil.Seeds of Basil are packed with carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals and fat. Basil oil is essential oil extracted from leaves and seeds of Basil and have various health benefits.

 If one took a paste of 15 to 20 tulsi leaves, mixed with Misri (hard sugar) along with fresh lemon juice every morning before sunrise, should forget  about artery blockages.

The anti-inflammatory effects of Tulsi could be compared  to ibuprofen, naproxen and aspirin. Reserchers have found that  the animals pre-treated with holy basil extract did not get the side effects of chemotherapy, radiation and protected them from chromosomal damage. Pre-treated animals with holy basil extract were able to swim more.

Below are the few home remedies of Tulsi:
  -Warm tulsi juice gets rid of stomach worms.
 - Tulsi fights with bad breath, pyorrhea and cavities and other dental problems.
. - Tulsi was traditionally used as a cure for night blindness.
 - To cure migraine: crush 4 -5 leaves  and take with honey every morning
-   For relieving  sore throat extract of basil leves with honey is very useful.
-    Acne blackheads, ring worm, urticaria could be cured  by boiling tulsi in water and apply with   cotton
 - Cancer : Mix the paste of  approx 40 leaves with yogurt and take two spoons twice a day after  half hour of breakfast and dinner
  -Mouth cancer , Swine flue    chew 5-6 basil leaves a day
- The juice of basil leaves with honey is excellent home remedy of vomiting, food poisoning,  infection, low blood pressure, obesity, hemiplegia
- If you have fatigue headache, ear ache , Malaria , Anemia, piles , Angina, dyspepsia, Glomerulonephiritistry , difficult menses, Schizophrenia , hangover  take fresh tulsi tea

 - In nose bleed ,ear ache, stiff nose put few drops of  juice of tulsi leaves .

- Powder of Tulsi (Holy basil, Ocimum sanctum) root also applied on the snake bite space to reduce effect of venum.  in rural areas Peepal is also used to cure  snake bite. Article Importance of Peepal tree throw light on it.
-Many people wears the Tulsi beads, which is said to have certain physical and medicinal properties. Its wood is considered as more powerful than any other gem that helps in protecting one from the negative influences.

Astrological Fact:

Basil is associated with planet mercury. For more information check Improve your luck through tree plantation article.

 That's why our Vedic scriptures are full of praises of Tulsi like:

“The house in which the sacred Tulasi tree is enshrined is like a sacred bathing place -The servants of Yamaraja do not come to it.” – Garuda Pruana Saroddhara 9.7

“Yama is not able to see him who gives up his life while having a flower of tulasi, though he have hundreds of sins.” – Garuda Pruana Saroddhara 9.8
“Seeing Tulasi destroys all sins. Touching her purifies the body. Bowing to her destroys all sufferings. Sprinkling her with water delivers one from death. Planting her bestows attachment of the mind to Lord Krishna. Offering her to Krishna’s lotus feet bestows special liberation in the form of prema. I offer my respects to Tulasi.” – Bhakti Rasamrta-sindhu 1.2.203 quoting from Skanda Purana.

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