Friday, January 20, 2023

Significance of Mauni Amavasya

“On Mauni amavasya (the new moon of silence) be in silence & let your energy grow. Imbibe the triple combination of singing, knowledge & meditation & keep working for the nation & the world.”.. Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar ji

 Mauni Amavasya or Maghi Amavasya, is observed with great devotion across India in the month Of Magha. 'Mauni' is derived from the Sanskrit word 'maun', which means 'absolute silence' and hence all who observe the day try to stay silent .It is also believed that Sage Manu was born on the auspicious day of Mauna Amavasya.

Mauni Amavasya celebrations are also very popular in Andhra Pradesh, where it is celebrated as “Chollangi Amavasya.” Mauni Amavasya is also known as “Darsh Amavasya” in other parts of India

Spiritual Significance 

๐Ÿ‘‰Bathing in sacred rivers (such as the Ganges) on the auspicious day of Mauni Amavasya is considered another very important practice for Hindu followers. 

๐Ÿ‘‰The other activities advised for the day include fasting, abstaining from pleasures and all kinds of enjoyment, visiting temples, and giving donations to the needy people, pitra Tarpan . 

๐Ÿ‘‰The day is dedicated to Spiritual Sadhana. The Hindu Yogis and Rishis observe the day for getting peace, happiness, bliss, and liberation. They observe silence and practice deep meditation.

Scientific Significance 

 As more than 70% of the human body is made up of water, the Moon has an influence on the body. Anything that influences the body influences the mind as well. The toxins in the human body get aggregated during a full moon and a new moon

The period between Mauni Amavasya and Mahashivratri is said to be a very powerful and conducive time period to experience silence/nishabd, and aspire for this opportunity to transcend.

Everything in the universe is a reverberation which translates into a corresponding sound. Our  body, mind, and whole universe - are a complex amalgamation of sounds. The origin (basis) of all sound is Silence or "Nishabd".

When we practice "Maun", we attempts to transcend beyond the physical into the state of "Nishabd" or nothingness.

Yogic Significance:

Mauni Amavasya is  practiced to settle a restless mind.

Remaining silent or calm means that the devotee should stay away from the external life and introspect on what is going on within himself. Whatever shortcomings are visible within the mind or whatever mistakes are understood, remove your shortcomings by getting engrossed in the worship of God. 

On the day of Mauni Amavasya, both the Sun and Moon are found in the zodiac sign of Capricorn. As we know that Pingala Nadi is ruled by the Sun, the Ida Nadi is ruled by the Moon. Hence this day  is found the most suitable time to balance the Ida and Pingala Nadis through mediation and pranayama combined with silence. When Ida and Pingala are evoked simultaneously and balanced, the individuals can find the rise of Kundlini Shakti, which marks a significant development in spiritual Sadhana.

Astrological significance 

Astrologically The convergence of the Moon and the Sun in  Capricorn( Rashi of Saturn) is not considered very auspicious in terms of mental stability .In astrology, the Sun is the factor of father and religion , soul fame,leadership. and The moon is the factor of mind and mother . On Mauni Amavasya, the mind in the absence of the Moon is unable to make decisions or tends to oscillate more.. On this day, because of the Moon's weak position, there is a high probability of saying unwanted things to others,  is perfect for practicing a daylong silence or Maun Vrat. 

๐Ÿ‘‰Taking bath in River Ganga, the confluence of River Ganga with other rivers further purifies one’s mind (internally) and body (externally). Bathing in River Ganga is considered holy, purifying Mind, Body, Heart, and Soul by Hindus, also said to wash away sins.

  1. ๐Ÿ‘‰The donation made on this day gives many times more benefits to the donor.

    ๐Ÿ‘‰On the day of Mauni Amavasya, the person observing the fast should donate money, clothes, cow, land, gold, food grains, sesame and other types of favorite things.

    ๐Ÿ‘‰Supreme Lord Vishnu is worshipped on this day. Lord Vishnu is the Preserver and Protector. Krishna himself said in Geeta that He represents the Peepal Tree. So Peepal Tree is considered sacred by Hindus and Pradakshina of Peepal Tree is considered Holy and there are stories connected to the positive outcome of doing so on this day. 

    ๐Ÿ‘‰ We should offer prayers to our ancestors (Pitri), ask for forgiveness, and seek their blessings. Mauni Amavasya is a great day for  pitri pujan or to ask for forgiveness from them.

    ๐Ÿ‘‰Mauni Amavasya is also a good day to elaborate remedies for Shani Dosha, so if your birth-chart has a Shani Dosha, you can choose to get remedies done on this day

Thursday, January 19, 2023

Significance of ShatTila Ekadashi

 January 18th(2023), is Magha Maasa Krishna Paksha Ekadashi, also popularly known as "Shattila Ekadashi". While Ekadashi is devoted to Lord Mahavishnu, on this day, performing Dana and Dharma takes predominance. "Til" or Sesame is considered that one item that is organically connected to ancestors. The Shattila also means offering Dana in the name of 6 ancestors, 3 from each of the parent's sides.

It is believed that the devotees, who donate sesame seeeds (Til) on the sacred day of Shattila Ekadashi, gets salvation and directly go to the Vaikunth Dha

It is also believed that Til should be used in six different types of ways on the day. That is why the Ekadasi got the name Shattila - six types of til.

Six Different Use of Til - Sesame on Shattila Ekadashi

Take bath by mixing Til in water.
Apply Til paste on face and hands and wash it away.
Offer Til to Bhagavan while doing puja. (black til should be used)
Offer Til in Havan.
Eat Til as food.
Donate Til (black til should be used).


Sat-tila Ekadasi takes place in North India during winter season and Sesame seeds is considered to be highly beneficial during the period.Til is full of calcium And minerals . Til oil pacifies vat and kapha doshas of body . 

Research shows that,

๐Ÿ‘‰It has antioxidant, ant inflammatory, antibacterial properties that makes them fight against bacterial infections.
๐Ÿ‘‰It also produces detoxifying effect which will keep skin warm and fresh. It is very effective in repairing damaged cells and improves blood circulation.
๐Ÿ‘‰As it prevents the skin cells from oxidation and improves rejuvenation and thus slows down ageing process of the skin.
๐Ÿ‘‰It maintains good cholesterol and lowers bad cholesterol.

Q. Why should we fast on Ekadashi?

We do not fast for pleasing God. Fasting is done for ourselves, for our own body detox, for cleansing the body. - Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar 

It is believed that if you fast on Ekadashi and then on Full Moon day, you will not have any illnesses.

Friday, January 13, 2023

Significance of Makar sankranti

 Makara Sankranti is the day when the the Sun transitions into Capricorn (Makara Rashi) on its celestial path in the zodiac. In India, this festival is celebrated by sharing Sesame and Jaggery.

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has beautifully explained the significance of this ancient practice of sharing Sesame seeds and Jaggery and its relevance in society today. We are like sesame seeds with respect to this Universe. . In his words :

“On Makar Sankranti, we exchange sesame seeds & jaggery. The tiny sesame seeds remind us of our insignificance in this vast creation. The feeling that ‘I am nothing’ dissolves the ego & brings humility. Jaggery is a symbol of spreading sweetness.”

Today the sesame seed and jaggery gives a message to the people, ‘Maintain purity inside.’ 

We are also tiny and sweet; delightful like sesame seeds with jaggery. So stay small and sweet and you will truly become big. And if you think you are very big and important in any field or aspect, the downfall will begin. This is the experiential truth. We see that this is what happens in the lives of thousands of people. The moment arrogance comes up, or the delusion that ‘I am something’, the decline begins. I am very powerful – that is it, power begins to diminish. Just like there is oil in a sesame seed, there is God in this universe. He is there in every heart. This is the knowledge of the self. 


๐Ÿ‘‰3 lessons we can learn from Makar Sankranti!

#1 No celebration without sharing!

Makar Sankranti is harvest season in India. When there is harvest, the first crop you get, you share with everyone! Celebration cannot happen without sharing.

#2 Celebration comes with wisdom!

In India, every celebration is linked with some wisdom. That’s the beauty here. In Maharashtra, they exchange sesame seed and jaggery balls and say, ‘tilgud ghya, gode gode bola,’ which means, “you have this, and let sweet words come out of you.”

#3 Harsh winter always makes way for pleasant sunshine!

This is the time that marks the end of the harsh winter, and the beginning of a time of pleasant sunshine! So we celebrate that.

Happy Lohri, Makar Sankranti & Pongal!

..Jai Gurudev ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

#srisriravishankar #SANKRANTI2023 #makarsankranti

Tuesday, January 10, 2023

Significance of Sankashti Chaturthi

 The Chaturthi of Krishna Paksha of Magh month is also known as Sankashti Ganesh Chaturthi. Til Chaturthi fast is observed on this day. It is believed that by observing this fast, the calamity coming in the family goes away, auspicious works that have been stopped for many days are completed and Lord Shri Ganesh gives immense happiness.

Sakat Chauth is also known as Sankat Chauth, Til-Kuta Chauth, Vakra-Tundi Chaturthi and Maghi Chauth depending on various regions.

Devotees worship the Lambodara form of Lord Ganesha and seek his blessings to understand how to remain content and satisfied in life

Significance of Sankashti Chaturthi:๐Ÿ“ฟ

Sankata" refers to all our hurdles or obstacles. "Hara" means to ward off. Hence, "Sankatahara" means to remove obstacles. Read another way, "sama" means "balance" or "stability" or "peace", and "kata" means to cut. Do you know, the English word Cut is derived from the Sanskrit world "Kata". Hence, "Sankatahara" also means removing all that which cause instability in and around you.*

*The four fold path, which are the "Truth of Suffering", "Truth of the Cause of Suffering", "Truth of the End of Suffering" and "Truth of the Path that leads to the End of Suffering", which incidentally are exactly those which form the basis of Buddhism and leads one towards the 8 fold path.*

*Lord Ganpati is the one who bestows all the above. Do you know Lord Ganpati is very closely associated with Buddism? And praying him on the Chaturthi day bestows one with supreme happiness, joy, bliss and all around success.

#ganeshchaturthi  #sankashtichaturthi #significanceofsanjashtichaturthi