Friday, November 18, 2011



Buddha once said: “We are what we think.” This is why, it’s very important to constantly chose positive way of thinking and make an optimistic attitude – your habit or second nature
Great and harmonious relationships, better first impression, vibrant health.   is only a tip of the iceberg of benefits of positive thinking .Actually, being optimistic and positive is the most beneficial skill you can learn in life.
 So make positive thinking – your habit and stay happy!
PS: Here are some motivational quotes to make your day brighter

Stop blaming others, stop complaining, stop comparing yourself with others for everything that happens in your life. You just have to stand up and show the world that your are born to win. We all are wonderful the way we are.

"Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you're going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day."

It doesn't matter how many times you fall; or how many paths you have to take just to get there. Get up and make changes; learn from the past. Act, Move, Learn because no one can do that for you

"Take the first step in faith. You don't have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step."
~ Martin Luther King, Jr. ~

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover."

Be sure you know you deserve to be loved, be happy, healthy and wealthy. If you don't think yourself worthy, ask "why?" and find the ridiculousness in the answer.

Achievement is the knowledge that you have studied and worked hard and done the best that is within you. Success is being praised by others. That is nice but not as important or satisfying. Always aim for achievement and forget about success."

"Destiny is not a matter of chance, it is a matter of choice; it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved."
~William Jennings Bryan~

The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for the circumstances they want, and if they can't find them, make them."
~ George Bernard Shaw ~

A smile is one of the few contagious things that you should spread. So spread it to everyone
The older I get, the less I care about what others think of me. Therefore, the older I get, the more I enjoy life

No one can make you feel anything you don't want to.

.Make GOD your best friend. With faith, let Him guide and direct you in all you do. It's guaranteed to work that way

Success is a game. The more you play the more you win. The more you win the more successfully you can play the game

.Dream big dreams, believe in yourself, trust in God, and work hard so that those dreams can be a reality

.If you want something in your life you've never had, you'll have to do something, you've never done
46.In everything that you do always give your 100% as if there's no tomorrow

.Failures may be so hurtful and disappointing, knowing you did your best in everything. But it doesn't mean life must end there. Stand up and live. Keep the Spirit and confidence. Be strong and Keep your faith by making the best out of it. For everything happens for a reason, a reason to teach you and correct you and a reason to bring the strength in you

.Never regret, if it's good, it's wonderful. If it's bad, it's experience

.Never live your life compared to someone else's standards, because for one, you don't know what their standards are, and secondly, you are not them. Everyone has their strong points, don't ever downgrade your own.

.Always demand the impossible, dare to start that dream
.To have a long lasting relationship with anybody; always look out for their strengths and less at their weakness.
.Once you count your blessing, you will lack nothing. Be motivated at all times to do the wonderful things in life
.Be happy with yourself. Dont let anyone control you and your decisions in your life. You only live one time. Make the best of it. Always have God with you
purposelessness is the root of all evil.. have a plan when u wake up in the morning. It's amazing what u can achieve when you do.

The harder the challenge the sweeter the victory. The higher the climb the sweeter the View. Your greatest problem is your greatest chlallenge which is your greatest opportunity

.Life is playing a game of Chess with God. After Every move of yours , he makes the next move. Your move is called CHOICES and his moves are called CONSEQUENCES.
.Live your life how you want to live it, not how people want you to live your life

.If you spend your life, respecting others, all in good taste, doing your real best and by doing this reaching your potential, but most importantly spending life loving others, even the difficult ones, who teach us, and being loved, that's truly a rich life
You cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.
.If life was perfect we would never have a chance to find ourselves.
Don't insist on making all of your decisions permanent..You have no idea what the future holds..
Life gives answers in 3 ways ...
It says yes n gives u wt u want,
it says no and gives u sumthn better,
it says WAIT n gives u the best...
Every person is important.It does't matter whether u play the violin,the flute,the cello    the drums;u are still part of the orchestra.
Life is nothing when v get everything, but life is everythin when v miss something
“Do not spoil what you have by desiring what you have not; remember that what you now have was once among the things you only hoped for................

Don’t let the past hold you back; you’re missing the good stuff.

Life’s short. If you don’t look around once in a while, you might miss it.

“There is no such thing as a 'self-made' man. We are made up of thousands of others. Everyone who has ever done a kind deed for us, or spoken one word of encouragement to us, has entered into the make-up of our character and of our thoughts, as well as our success.”
—George Burton Adams (1851-1925), educator, historian
"People are often unreasonable and self-cen2tered. Forgive them anyway.
If you are kind, people may accuse you of ulterior motives. Be kind anyway.
If you are honest, people may cheat you. Be honest anyway.
The good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway.
Give the world the best you have and it may never be enough. Give your best anyway.

For you see, in the end, it is between you and God. It was never between you and them anyway."
― Mother Teresa

There is nothing that wastes the body like worry, and one who has any faith in God should be ashamed to worry about anything whatsoever. "
- Mahatma Gandhi

You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching,
Love like you'll never be hurt,
Sing like there's nobody listening,
And live like it's heaven on earth

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Sun salutation and reiki

The 'Twelve Postures Yoga' known as Surya Namaskar (Sun Salutation) is a
traditional way to worship the Sun in many countries.
In India it is a way of life and often used as a morning ritual just with the Sunrise
to warm up, upkeep of body strength and agility and to offer prayer to the Sun
God. The practice involves breathing deeply and consciously and reciting
different Sun Mantras while doing the twelve physical movements in a set
The twelve complicated postures involved not only inhibit the practice of SN by
the old, infirm and the week but also may sometimes, result in physical damage
to the health of young ones if not done properly under supervision of experienced
Developing the New Technique
The Reiki Way ' for the benefit of all those who cannot use the existing method
on account of their fragile state of health or some other reasons.
This technique replaces the twelve difficult postures by twelve easy steps.
Amazing Experience
The technique helps in burning the calories, reducing weight and charging the
body with energy sufficient for the rest of the day. Besides, it has an added
advantage of activating the third eye and other chakras and clearing the energy
meridians for a smooth flow of Reiki through them.
The Morning Prayer
Before exploring the new technique, let us understand the Morning Prayer which
has been introduced to the system of Japanese 'Satya Reiki' by a Japanese
Monk, Grand Master Shingo Sakuma.
The prayer has three mantras; the first mantra consists of four parts, the second
mantra is a traditional Japanese Sun mantra and is recited even today by some
people in Japan, the third one is a prayer for the Divine to flourish everywhere.
he First Mantra:
Harae-Tamae (cleanse all)
Kiyome-Tamae (purify all)
Mamori-Tamae (protect all)
Sakihae-Tamae (may all beings be happy)
All the four parts of this mantra are chanted together and re repeated three times
during the prayer.
he Second Mantra:
A-Ma-Te-Ra-Su Oo Mi-Kami (Japanese traditional mantra of the Sun. The
Japanese believe that their Emperors are the direct descendents of the Sun
Goddess and some of them worship the Deity even today.
he Third Mantra:
Kamnagara-Tamachi-Haemase (may the Divine flourish everywhere). This mantra
is also repeated three times towards the close of the prayer.
Incidentally, this Japanese prayer has a parallel in the Vedic prayer in Sanskrit,
which means, 'May God bestow health and happiness on all beings and provide
protection to all for their wellbeing.'
The Technique
The simple technique entails chanting of the mantras of the prayer, conscious
breathing while focusing of solar energy on the third eye and other chakras of
the body in a sequence, without much of physical movement.
The steps involved are explained in the following points:
1. Posture:
Stand facing the Sun in an open space, bare feet parallel but apart and hands in
prayer position at the level of the eart.
2. Thanking:
ow to the Sun two times thanking God and existence.
3. Purification:
Clap your hands with each other twice to remove negativity from the space
around you. This would bring our mind and body to a state of calm & focus.
4. Chanting:
Now chant all the four parts of the first mantra of the prayer given above, three
times in your mind or loudly. hen, chant Mantra of the Sun once.
5. Positioning:
Now bend the knees slightly. Open and raise your hands and stretch them
towards the Sun so that your palms face it. Now join the right thumb tip with the
left thumb tip and right index finger tip with left index finger tip in such a way as
to form a hollow window of the shape of a heart in between them. The
experience is as intense as a Reiki hower.
6. Focusing:
Maintaining the above posture, look towards the rising Sun for a few seconds
(The rays of the Sun can damage your eyes if seen longer) through the heart
shaped window. Allow the rays of the Sun pass through it and focus them on
your forehead in the region of the third eye by moving and adjusting the angle of
your stretched hands. Close your eyes and you will now see a replica of the Sun
in the shape of a small intensely shining ball of a little bigger than a dot size
constantly flickering on the hird eye. Enjoy its splendour for a while.
You are now ready to saturate the chakras with the energy of the Sun, by
transmitting it with simple movement of your palms over them as explained in
the ollowing steps (7-12).
7. Crown Chakra:
Draw in deep breath slowly and let the hands bend by pushing the elbows
outside, positioning the palms facing downwards parallel to the head but not
touching it, the heart shaped window between them remaining undisturbed.
Move the hands over the head from front to back so as to cover the area over the
crown. Feel and visualise that the Sun energy is entering your crown chakra
through the palms and your head is fully saturated and charged with it. The eyes
remaining closed, visualisation of a replica of the Sun in the shape of a small
bright ball appears enchantingly beautiful at this point.
mindful matters /
8. Third Eye:
Continue to breathe in. Slowly move the hands down towards the third eye with
tips of the joined thumbs facing and pointing to (but not touching) it. Make sure
that the hands are held parallel to and facing the ground with hollow window
between them intact.
Stop for a while on this point and feel the energy in the area. One can distinctly
notice the colour of the shining ball changing to indigo at this point.
9. Throat Chakra:
As you move further down, you will experience warmth and vibration in your
palms Pressing the energy further downwards by moving the hands with the
hollow between them intact and held parallel to the ground, let the tips of joined
thumbs now face the throat chakra from about an inch.
Stop at the point for a while and feel the energy centring there. Some Reiki
channels may experience the colour of the shining ball turning sky blue here.
10. Heart Chakra:
Continue pressing the hands downwards; let the tips of joined thumbs now point
to the heart chakra from a close distance but not touching.
Stop at the point for a while and feel the energy centring there. The vibration on
the palms gets stronger with each movement, a feeling as if an energy ball is
being pressed. Experienced channels will find the colour of the ball changing to
electric green at this position.
11. Solar Plexus:
As your hands move down, stop at the Solar Plexus chakra, you may feel the
warmth and visualize the replica of the sun turning pale yellow at this point but
as you press the energy with your hands further down, the shining ball totally
disappears from the screen of your third eye at the belly button, allowing the
energy settle down at the Hara in the process.
12. Blowing Out:
Bending over in front, open up the hands opposite to the belly button. Now in the
bent position blow out your breath from the mouth with fingers pointing down
almost touching the ground, making a sound of tha by opening the lips.
Those who are not able to touch the ground may only bend to the extent
possible. Let go of the energy to the mother earth while you blow out. Come
back to the starting position slowly and feel charged and energised.
mindful messages Page 10
Repeat the cycle (steps 1-12) two times.
You are now ready to make a personal wish, if you like . While doing so, stand
erect with your eyes closed and hands folded in Gassho^(prayer) position. Make
your wish in the form of an affirmation while chanting the Sun Mantra of
Japanese prayer 'A-Ma-Te-Ra-Su Oo Mi-Kami' silently, once.
To end the 'Sun Salutation--the Reiki Way', repeat three times, the third Mantra,'
Kamnagara-Tamachi-Haemase' praying for the Divine to flourish every where.
Visualize that all beings are happy healthy and well protected. Bow to the Sun
one time and thank God.
Be aware that the Sun Salutation is best done at the time of rising Sun when its
rays are least strong although there is no bar to do it with the setting Sun. This
version of SS can also be conducted in a closed room facing in the direction of
the Sun and visualising it, though the experience is not as intense.
Disclaimer: The technique of 'Sun Salutation --the Reiki Way given here is
primarily meant for use by the old, infirm, and others interested who wish to
enjoy some of the benefits of Sun Salutation, sans its complicated twelve
postures and can be practised by one and all to their advantage but is specially
useful for Reiki channels to strengthen their Reiki flow further. It does not in any
way purport to replace or substitute the traditional method. However, all usual
conditions of SN apply. Care must be taken to protect the eyes and body from
damage while doing it and the author bears no responsibility for any damage
resulting from the practice of this version.